Yeah, I've been working on this for about an hour now?
And yeah, since I'm bored...lets have a contest?
It Shall be called the Mega Butt contest.
I know it's stupid but it will keep you buisy. Here are the rules.
1.) Out do my butt pics, which means have more than mine.
2.) If more than one body is clumped together to make one butt it only
counts as one.
3.) Butts in a row are counted seperatly.
4.) Each pic submitted in this contest must post the pics either
up here, or even better on a Diary that will be made shortly.
5.) Each pic submitted must have a Mega butt, which is a huge butt
in the center, the bigger the butt, the more chance of win.
6.) Mega butt pics must be entered before Monday, or Sunday...
That's when it ends.
The Prize, I'm not sure right now...pft I don't know
I could draw your deer or something.
Title: Sneaky Butt Master
Title: Determinded Butt Photographer
Title: Mega Butt stalker
Goodness, see what bordness can do to you? Now, it's you turny turn...
If you want to give it a go, then get going. If you have any questions just ask.
Why does Quamar get a face?
I was wondering the same
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Lol! Quammy is a buttface
Quammy is a buttface xD
NO WAIT, look at the two pictures on the both sides of it!! Quammy has two butts hanging from his antlers xDDD
Oh lord that's funny! xDDD
Psh, I don't know...I just
put butts in his face, it wouldn't have looked the same I guess...
More butt faces!!!
Oohhh, I now have lots of
YAYR! Just make shore you
colage or whatever (guh spelling) kinda like mine.
Ok, sure! XD
Lol so cool !