Using the ears more than the eyes results in deer imagination running into the most wild ecstasy-filled romance ever. Laying on a mossy bed of green with new-fallen not quite brown leaves gathered by the winds of the forest lulled one into a sense of comfort. The quiet rustling of crinkling leaves has a distinct rhythm to it. The hushed whispers of other animals nearby checking to see if one is enemy, friend or worth mating makes one relax. So dozing on and off on early dawn a young deer approached as an emissary. I in my mother mode just watched the tiny little hooves pass without a thought. Seconds later in my mind entered the Alpha male in full glorious rutting mode. Standing up baying fully unable to move from my self made bed the sudden neck caresses overwhelmed any thoughts of running away. Legs shivering prevent escape as all Alpha male deer know. Breathing hard while the rutting brainstorm went on suddenly this Alpha male switched to a new move as he slid down my neck, and did not stop. A sudden ninety degree caress along my side from thorax to backside caused an intake of breath and a seizure of pure delight. Taking that as permission the Alpha positioned himself behind my quarters and starting from my hocks upward he took his hooves and cusped the side of leg to the very realm of my heavens. A tale ran through my mind of the koala deer. Slow, methodical, gentle and totally attentive to every sensation resulted in teh age old rhythm of how water kisses the shore endlessly. At some point became taken for a nine day rut that had not beginning and no real end but caused an experienced that overwhelmed all instincts except that one. Blurred into one entity insight into the blendings of the blue and green world filled in all sensory inputs with where and when just occurring. Though physically the Alpha male left his essence left a presence that protects and guards assuring comfort and pleasant excursions. Like a lilting song the care given lasts long after the deposit of maleness is made.