Been playing as my doe(Kitiri) more now that she's an adult, I usually play her when I'm in a more solitary or contemplative mood, preferring smaller groups of one or two other deer. Usually if you see her in the ruins, it's because she's not in a very interactive mood, she'll greet you if you go up to her but will then lie back down. One exception is fawns practically begging for attention.....I just can't say no, they're so cute!
Some pics of the day......gotta have pics!

Kinda felt like a babysitter here.....maybe it was the flowers.

Anyone see where my fawn went???

Frog vs Squirrel...who will win?

Thankyou Sluggs for again putting me back together after a run in with the water. Kitiri meant to jump over it, not in it..........XP