Decided I may as well jump on the bio bandwagon here.......

Just a fun loving guy who enjoys goofing around with friends as well as helping his fellow deer. To him nothing is better than making others happy. Adores fawns and dance parties. Prefers to be in small to medium groups, he may join a group if he knows some of the deer though he may linger on the outskirts for a bit to see if he's welcome. If he finds himself on his own he'll usually go for a run, rest for a bit, then run again till he either gets bored or finds a new friend. He runs pretty fast which makes it difficult to lead or follow other deer, so if you see him do a sort of run-trot-run-trot....combo he's just trying keep pace. He's generally upbeat and friendly, if you see him in the forest feel free to introduce yourself!
Location: When not with friends or running he can most likely be found near the pond (likes to hide in the willows), though he makes occasional trips to the tree and playground.
Appearance: See pic^....though if he ends up with something he likes at the end of a spell or twin/clone party he may keep it for a few days.

More quiet and solitary than Kelvana, Kitiri prefers not to be in a group with more than three other deer. Though as a fawn she disdained running (she was trying to be 'sophisticated' and thought it undignified) she has since pulled her nose down from the air and become more down to earth and can act as silly as the next deer. Like Kelvana she has a soft spot for fawns and often finds herself trailed by two or three.
Location: Often just wanders about the forest, though she does visit the pond for a drink or to rest now and then. If you see her in the ruins it's when she's in the mood to be left alone, though you may be able to coax her out if you paw at her and act sad (a guilt trip, basically). When she really, really doesn't want to be bothered, she'll hide either in something or in a spot where she's hard to see.
Appearance: Pic^, doesn't really deviate from it aside from the mask now and then.