It doesn't have a name.... {None TEF}

BrokkenSaint's picture

Here is somthing I finally got arond to making. I know it's a rather rough model, I need to find a new body for it. Anyways, the head is that of a crow and the body is a plastic hallowneen skeleton that I bought for some reason. Enjoy.

Woaaah! I like this a lot! I

Woaaah! I like this a lot! I feel like it should be placed in TEF for some reason, haha.

It looks like it would be a

It looks like it would be a magnificent marionette Shocked All clickey and clackity, hehe~
Really neat work! How big is it? OH WOW I'm dumb lol, crows aren't that huge.
BrokkenSaint's picture

BambooKirin: That would be

BambooKirin: That would be cool to see.

FishBiscuit: The body is 14 inches tall.