Imma just leave this here... [Mostly non tef probably, and kinda image heavy]

Under the cut since you guys are probably tired of me lD

Oh boy, more designs I don't know what to do with orz
So, um... her name's Yvonne.... That's all I got :I
May be designing more today, i can put all of what i make today in here if you guys want?

[Edit] Woop, more pictures. Imma just put some of the stuff from the past couple days that I ended up liking in here lD

Here is a ref for a character Lysernai made for me, but her paint tool sai crashed mid drawing, so I redrew her markings mostly from memory lD and aded little bits with Lys' permission ^^

So um... demon-y thing I just made, and posted. Just wanted to do a silhouette-ish thing and it became this haha

Hopefully this little guy will look ok on this dark background... But he's just a new character design from a day or so ago. I think he's a cutie haha

So... this is what I make as a chimera and manticore.... :I Regular mythical creatures are for squares lD -shot-

And these two and Lys and I's characters, Lyressi and Simm. They are her species called Nynex, and both are Elemental Guardians(EGs) of the species. Unfortunately, eventually all EGs are turned into monsters called 'Sleepers' (aka their Sleeper Form) from using their powers. This is a drawing of a hypothetical situation she and I have talked about if Simm did change. So yea. There's a lot more to it, but that would be a lot to type haha

So that's it for now, but I'm in a designing mood, so watch for more if you want ;u;
Hadou's picture

<3 love love love this ._.

<3 love love love this ._.

You're designing skills are awesome ouo

Post the others too :3
I wanna see them!

I WANT YOU &hearts; Honestly,

Honestly, your designing skills are amazing. You are very creative in making these ideas. So unique. And your artstyle is one to die for!
SoliloquyChryseis's picture



jfhgdsjhf thanks so much guys

jfhgdsjhf thanks so much guys ;u; gah, you guys are so much better than people on dA orz
So, um, do you guys want any drawings from today in this post, or only designs? You know, if you want me to update this at all lD
Hadou's picture

all of them post them all

all of them
post them all here cx
ouo haha.
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

I'm with Hadou!!!! Edit:

I'm with Hadou!!!!

Edit: These are AMAZING!

Added some more guys c: I

Added some more guys c: I hope you like them

All of these are gorgeous!

All of these are gorgeous! Just gorgeous! I love them.