Have faith [Bartleby] for like Troy, you'll be Eternal

GingerNut's picture

(3/12; Updated Relationships. Changed music)

Dedicated + Intelligent + Hard-working + Stubborn + Diplomatic + Blunt + Selfish + Independent + Awkward + Proper + Logical + Overly-sensitive + Clever + Ill-bred + Melancholic + Reclusive + Spoiled + Sympathetic + Sickly + Protective + Noble + Pretentious + Intrinsic + Naive + Paranoid + Observant + Apologetic + Mathematical + Heartless + Tired + Manipulative + Pessimistic + Tasteful + Snobbish + Studious + Nurturing + Sullen + Pompous + Rational + Pensive + Gentle + Wealthy + Dainty + Reserved + Cruel + Stiff + Confused + Inquisitive + Vain + Dominating + Chivalrous + Organized + Withdrawn + High-strung + Sacrificing + Prompt + Jealous + Efficient + Humorless + Practical + Considerate + Childish + Philosophical + Spacey + Unstable + Prideful + Industrious + Shrewd + Gullible + Vengeful + Selective + Discreet + Demanding + Faithful + Dreamer + Perfectionist + Tense + Fluid + Honest + Cowardly

+Preliminary Info+

-Full Name-
Faith Troy Bartleby XVII

-Date of Birth-
April 17, 1957/???




Speaks in a light Flemish accent

Roe Deer
(loosely based)


Candles + Orca + Frosted

Baby powder

The Yawning Noble

-Fighter's Chart-

Strength Speed
|||||||||| ||||||||

Defense Willpower
|||||||||| ||||||||||

Tolerance Stamina
|||||||||| |||||||||||

*Presents a small target
*Depending on the enemy, may rely on wits alone
*Has a number of allies at his side
*Strong determination
*Used to pain - has a high tolerance for it
*Able to utilize and manipulate the flames on his candles

*Very low stamina, tires almost instantly
*Doesn't really know when he's in over his head
*A hemophiliac - the slightest mark could prove fatal or extremely painful
*Cannot fight himself
*Physically weak

It might seem absurd, you say, to even think of someone as frail and as weak as Bartleby out on the battlefront.

Well, if you do think that, then you obviously don't know him.

Bartleby is notorious for being outlandishly pig-headed at times. Most of time, he'll simply call upon allies to fight for him. However, it is possible to set him off. He sees no harm in killing or causing bloodshed as long as there's a logical reason for it. And if someone he loves or if someone plays with his emotions, then he'll fight with teeth and hoof. After all, he'll simply be reborn in the forest if he dies.

Death is only a minor inconvenience to him.


*Has a habit of following people/deer that interest him... doesn't mean any harm or wrongdoing.
*Very conservative in his actions
*Morbid in his views
*Despite his delicate and reserved reactions; he is not shy - just socially awkward
*Shut off from society at a very young age - lived most of his life alone
*If he's with someone that he likes, he has a habit of getting carried away in rambling at them
*Does not like crowds, would rather watch from a distance than participate
*Hates being touched (though there are exceptions)
*Loathes being pitied
*Doesn't understand most jokes or humor, only if they're explained to him
*Carries a superiority complex despite his gentle disposition
*Merciless in dealing with the masses, earning him a terrible public reputation
*Thinks very highly of himself, if you do not know of him, then he'll likely become offended
*A slave to routine, a lack of which makes him uncomfortable
*Adores animals; often acts unusually playful and child-like around them (save for cats)
*Pretty oblivious at times (when deep in thought)
*Hard to talk to when he gets lost in thought - almost appears disoriented
*He can keep his mind busy for hours on end, often without knowing where the time had gone.
*Not as cultured as you might think. He rarely reads.
*As sensitive as he may seem, he rarely cries.
*Very even-tempered (usually)
*Intelligent and insightful, but also very naive of certain matters
*Can be childish in certain social situations, simply because he doesn't know any better
*An easy target for emotional manipulation
*Acts in a completely different manner when alone
*He can control the flames on his candles - though they often reflect his emotions if left unchecked
*Hates making eye-contact
*Will not give out his first name unless he has a strong emotional attachment to the person in question (though there have been exceptions)
*A pessimist at heart
*Has bouts of depression where he occasionally isolates himself
*Used to the supernatural, hardly surprised by demons or dragons or other 'impossible' myths
*Stiffly polite around strangers, takes a long time to warm up to them
*Easily flustered
*Gifted in the arts of economics and commerce
*Protective of his friends... even to the point where he may go out of his way to punish those who harm them
*Has no qualms in causing pain or grief - as long as it has a purpose
*^Likewise would kill if he had to (though he'd prefer not to do such messy things himself)
*Acts especially awkward around women/does; uncomfortably chivalrous

-Other Notable (and trivial) Features-

*Plagued with hemophilia and heart trouble; Quite sickly
*First language is Dutch, as his family hails from northern Belgium.
*Can play the harp, though is rather embarrassed by this talent due to its implied femininity.
*^Likewise can play a little piano, but he's admittedly terrible at it
*Oddly enough, he prefers to be dominant in a relationship
*Knows how to use a gun - always has one as a human, though prefers not to advertise the fact that he does.
*The weight of his golden hooves fluctuates quite a bit, seemingly at random
*A vegetarian by practice, mainly for health reasons
*A big fan of chess and sports
*Sensitive of his short height (Napoleon Complex)
*Hates talking of certain subjects - mainly romance.
*Unable to produce children
*Has a strange aversion to eating, unintentionally starves himself as a result
*An avid dog-lover... and allergic to cats
*Loathes his first name, often to the point where if he's in a surly mood, he may request that his friends refer to him by his middle name rather than his first.
*An atheist by choice - though he doesn't seem to have a firm grip on his beliefs
*Terrified of death (in his past life)
*Trained to be a male soprano, one of his close kept secrets
*Constantly wants to make a difference... often in the wrong way
*Has strange reactions to transformation spells over long periods of time, they're much like a drug to him, a means to forget about his own self and 'meld' into a temporary body.

An old soul, reborn time after time into form after form. He lived as a dying noble, a member of a dying aristocracy and a corrupt bloodline.
The forest has acted as his prison, a keep for him to stagnate and lose all grips of reality.
Decade after decade he trudged along in the forest, a lost soul that possessed the willpower to live on. To keep his mind intact.

Friends from his old world have come. And they have died.

He is cursed with the mentality of a mortal, a cluster of illnesses that hinder him.

Kill him all you like, as punishment or out of spite.


Bartleby is a small deer, frail and thin. He carries two small ebony colored antlers, dulled and curled at the tips. They're coated in candles molded with a clean golden colored wax. Of course, these candles are always lit, and there's usually a thick coat of dried wax running down the buck's neck and back from stray droplets. His pelt is uncomfortably thin and wiry to the touch, hardly any protection against the cold weather. Despite the state of his pelt, his tail is quite puffy in comparison, and long furred. The pelt itself is a very light ashen grey color, nearly white. His ears are large, pointed and floppy, often pulled at the back of his scalp. His hooves are made of solid gold, constantly polished and clean of grime. Upon the right side of his neck is long, raw scar... as if something had been ripped away from it recently. Face is that of a real deer, and not a human. His muzzle is somewhat rounded at the tip, complimented by a darkish pink nose. His eyes are a dull olive, usually glazed over from exhaustion with black circles running underneath. Due to his thin stature, one could likely see how taut his skin wraps about the rows of his ribs and legs. This gives him a bit more of a 'lanky' mien, though admittedly more unhealthy as well.

Despite his short height, Bartleby always seems to carry an air of authority. His body is quite small, his skin intensely paled from a lack of sunlight. Dark circles run underneath his olive eyes from a lack of sleep. His face is a mix, neither round nor sharp, but child-like all the same. Clothing is always formal, and usually in light colors to compliment his fine blonde hair (just above shoulder length). He is always well-groomed, even down to his neatly polished nails. He rarely wears any sort of informal attire, and is often seen in a plain light grey waistcoat with a long sleeved undershirt and matching slacks. He is very, dangerously thin, though he counteracts his image with some slightly baggier clothing (though not loose enough as to look dumpy or improper).


Closest friend and current infatuation. Bartleby acts as his servant, though really only because he wants to. Heika is one of the select few people that he would die for. Multiple times. While he may wish for their relationship to be a bit more underground, he doesn't seem to mind as much now. Heika is his only equal; his only companion in a sea of fools. There is no other that Bartleby would so blindly follow and cling to. He accepts being referred to as his 'Queen', and secretly embraces the role itself.

The only woman that he would ever willingly allow to keep close to, as well as the only female that he would ever confide to. Their relationship is an odd one, borne from aggravation and teasing insults. They've traveled together, sailed together and adventured together in the harshest of terrains. Bartleby trusts the Fennec girl with his life, and can only hope that she feels the same trust for him.

-Miss Talla-
Bartleby's thoughts on 'Miss Talla' are a tad hard to figure out. By all means, he treats her as a gentleman should treat a lady. He thoroughly enjoys her company and finds her to be far more intelligent than she takes credit for. In a way, he sees the little blue doe as an individual that he can protect, and he takes pride from that. He's still rather nervous about making physical contact with her, but his uneasy nature has definitely made some improvement after the time they've spent together.

-Miss Migisi-
A little jackdaw that happened to pass him by on chance one day. Being a lover of animals (and particular birds), she immediately took his fancy. He treated her much like a doting pet owner until her form had inexplicably changed into that of a young doe. It was from then on that the little buck thought of her not as his 'pet', but as a simple minded student to teach. He is incredibly protective of her.

-Mister Cypher-
If there is one thing that Bartleby covets; it's people that he can relate to. Mister Cypher is one of the few pleasant souls in the forest that the buck finds he can gain a sane conversation from. Over the time he has spent with him and Miss Migisi, he has warmed up a bit to him, showing more and more of his true personality outside of a polite exterior.

-Mister Mishka-
While Bartleby does enjoy his quiet demeanor and easygoing (though awkward) attitudes, he remains slightly aloof from him. Even so, he enjoys the buck's company when he's often alone, and finds him pleasant to be around.

One of the few males that Bartleby has never referred to as 'Mister'. He considers dear Nathan as a lesser person, though no less enjoyable than any other friend. He sees himself as a superior individual, and may occasionally look for him in-forest for some light chatting.

His charge and student. It was Heika that suggested that Bartleby take on the role of tutoring the boy, if only to make himself feel useful. While he no longer is in need of 'lessons', he remains a teacher figure to the boy.

-His Past Servants; Turkey, Debit, Credit and Malware-
While technically still under his service, the forest creatures that have been rounded up by the buck are no longer called upon. Malware isn't even as called upon as much as he used to be. Even so, Bartleby had fostered relatively good relationships with all of them, and may occasionally meet with them.

His sister, Nippers. While he did love and want to protect her, he did often have a habit of sweeping her under the rug. As much as he has never admitted it, he misses her dearly.

-All Past Bartlebys-
He knows them. He's studied them. He respects them immensely. Take care not to insult them.

His mother, who was completely unknown to him as she died from childbirth. He has no ill feelings towards her, no feelings at all really.

He carried mixed feelings for his father. The man committed suicide when Bartleby had just turned two, so memories are fuzzy. He resents him for his actions though, and often had made it a point that he wouldn't do the same.

Complicated. Jergens is a past figure of importance, though no longer a part of the buck's life. He takes great care to avoid him.

-'Smiling' Jack-
A nuisance and waste of space. Nothing more and nothing less.

Mr. Sanguine. One of the few individuals that has earned Bartleby's contempt nearly instantly. He has been murdered by him as a source of punishment, and mocked even more often on a daily basis. He takes care to avoid the butler, though some meetings cannot be avoided.

Killed by her. He makes a large effort to avoid the unstable doe.

Credits and whatwho;
Always a work in progress
Artwork by Scythe and Mr. Sanguine (in that order)
Interaction welcomed
Received Arts not displayed at present;
Declan - x
Kaoori - x

"It is not seldom the case that, when a man is browbeaten in some unprecedented and violently unreasonable way, he begins to stagger in his own plainest faith..."
ocean's picture

Yes, yes they are. He's an

Yes, yes they are. He's an excellent...band-aid maker. Yes.

oh snap I took your page
what about that.
GingerNut's picture

Pos; fff thank you :'D and

Pos; fff thank you :'D and he'll be fine. Getting his ass handed to him is all in a days work

Occy; WELL HOW ABOUT THAT. Three bloody pages? Niceeeeee
ocean's picture

I'm just that cool ok. C:

I'm just that cool ok. C:
GingerNut's picture

Yus. Yus you are B]

Yus you are B]
Possessed's picture

Awh~ hopefully he won't be

Awh~ hopefully he won't be the victim of a random Sianna attack again. Teehe. ♥
GingerNut's picture

Baha, hopefully~ Twas still

Baha, hopefully~
Twas still fun though, probably would have been instant death if Sher hadn't come along c':
Shiori's picture

Hey! DX Migs wasn't that

Hey! DX Migs wasn't that useless was she? -pout-
GingerNut's picture

Wut? Nooo ;; Not at

Wut? Nooo ;; Not at all!
Sherlock just makes for an excellent buffer while Migs makes for good offensive and emotional support :'D