First zombie deer (Third Update)((Undercut for size))

Greyhorn's picture
Ok, so it's a WIP... I'm having some trouble with the left(his right) antler... I know the skull is not like an actual deer skull, but I actually like the way it turned out. I will post more updated pics as I go. I hope you guys enjoy. (:

Ok, so I'm beginning to play around with the back ground and I'm not to sure about this one... Any suggestions and or how does it look?

Haven't really done much more but here is the next update.

Again not much done but roughly finished the background. Going to try to do a little more detail on it...
shallowfall's picture

~ Trackies! I like it a lot,

~ Trackies! Smiling I like it a lot, and I love how well you drew the skull!

A y a s h e

-Siggy by OrinocoFlow-
Greyhorn's picture

Thanks. <3 {:

Thanks. <3 {:
my DA
Siggy by Kokote

I really love how you drew

I really love how you drew the skull, and those antlers are drawn so nicely<3
Greyhorn's picture

Thanks Pepsi~ (:

Thanks Pepsi~ (:
my DA
Siggy by Kokote

Scent marking all over this.

Scent marking all over this. Beautiful
Greyhorn's picture

Lol Thanks emslee! :3

Lol Thanks emslee! :3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
RikkaChan's picture

You're improving your skill!

You're improving your skill! That skull is beautifully done~ oh, those horns I'm loving on too!
Greyhorn's picture

Thanks Rikka. He's been

Thanks Rikka. Smiling He's been really fun to draw. I saw a picture of a zombie climbing out of a grave and the idea to do him came to me. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do a grave or not.
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
MzWhiteberri's picture

That is a really god drawing!

That is a really god drawing! Laughing out loud

Kazel by me.
Shimmer34's picture

Wow, i love it! Beautifully

Wow, i love it! Beautifully done art work GreyHorn Smiling

Shimmer and Shine
Greyhorn's picture

<3 thanks guys!

<3 thanks guys!
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
LostintheEcho's picture

woah this is amazing!

woah this is amazing!Exclaim
Greyhorn's picture

Aww thanks! :3

Aww thanks! :3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Greyhorn's picture

Ok, been working on the

Ok, been working on the background a bit more, but my eyes are burning... Lol I'm so tired. Off to bed and hopefully I'll have some more updates soon. Goodnight everyone.
my DA
Siggy by Kokote

Goodnight... and i shall be

Goodnight... and i shall be stalking in the shadows waiting for more updates Laughing out loud
Greyhorn's picture

Ok, so I don't really know

Ok, so I don't really know where or how to start on the dirt around him.... I'm stuck... :/
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Illume's picture

WOW! I love this sooooo much!

WOW! I love this sooooo much! <3
Amazing work.

It keeps getting better It

It keeps getting better Smiling
It looks amazing
Greyhorn's picture

Aww thanks! haha you should

Aww thanks! Smiling haha you should use it as a cover pic for your zombie game... How's that coming along?
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Greyhorn's picture

Thanks Emslee! <3

Thanks Emslee! Smiling <3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Illume's picture

I've been having so many

I've been having so many connection problems lately I don't think I'll be able to do it till after halloween sady. :/
There's just too many people on the server atm.
Greyhorn's picture

I can't wait to play. (:

I can't wait to play. (:
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
Illume's picture

It shall be awesome.

It shall be awesome. Sticking out tongue
LostintheEcho's picture

if you put this on deviantart

if you put this on deviantart when it's done, I will fave it like a proper stalker deer does XD
Greyhorn's picture

lmfao!!! I will. :3 Btw

lmfao!!! I will. :3 Btw what's your deviant name?
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
LostintheEcho's picture

thecryingforest...I think I'm

thecryingforest...I think I'm already watching you......well I am now XD
Greyhorn's picture

Lol! Yes. :3

Lol! Yes. :3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote
RikkaChan's picture

Gah, love it!

Gah, love it!
wocio's picture

Gosh this is awesome! *-*

Gosh this is awesome! *-*
Greyhorn's picture

I'm glad you all like it! :3

I'm glad you all like it! :3 <3
my DA
Siggy by Kokote