Fifi Nix

StalkerDino's picture
Yeah its been a while...
A long while...
And that shows in my originality in this character (little to NONE) and how well I drew it.
I've gone a while without drawing on my tablet and need to get back into it again.
But this picture is not, I repeat, NOT final. All of this deer's design is likely to change.

I would really like some feed back on what exactly I should do to make up this character's design, backstory/history, and behavior. After all, it takes an entire community to develop the outcome of a person.
Please don't be afraid to put your say into my character's Description or Biography. All comments are welcome and very much appreciated.

Eeee! Dino art after so long.

Eeee! Dino art after so long. ♥
I adore the legs and the fur at the bottom of them, and the wings a really neatly done. Perhaps a beak would suit'em? c:
StalkerDino's picture

I was considering a beak, but

I was considering a beak, but yesterday when I drew this, I didn't have the time nor the references to try drawing a beak. I am basing this character after a shire/clydesdale horse, a pheonix (hence the name), and a peryton (basically a gryphon, only half hawk/eagle and half stag/deer). No way am I getting rid of the wings or the feathering on the legs. Everything else is subject to change.

And ps, It is nice to be back.
On a new note, not related to this thread at all...
I have taken 3 characters out. Zoebelle, Cooper and the Skeletal Dancer will all be deleted within the next week. I have too many characters to handle and I have been gone too long to keep track of them all now. My only official characters now are Kaddy and India.
I think for now, Lady Ahuna will represent my actions, mind, etc., While Pheonix is now in the wings of character development.
It may take a few weeks to get all of this sorted out and figure out a schedule of how many times I can be on and sign on as my characters, as well as juggle school and this new characters development.

Ahh yes beaks can be a bit of

Ahh yes beaks can be a bit of a handful, though even without one their face looks lovely. So glad to have you back, how was your trip?
I do believe I've interacted with Cooper quite a lot, it'll be a shame to see him go. But I know the feeling of not wanting to many characters. I'm positive Angel will be overjoyed to see India more often. And these new deer sound really cool. Can't wait to see how you develop them. Such a busy schedule you must have, I honestly wish you the best of luck with that. (:
StalkerDino's picture

I may add in a beak. I

I may add in a beak. I certainly will experiment with one and tell you the results.

My trip was... fantastic. Absolutely wonderful. Would you be up to emailing me about it or something? I don't feel right ranting here about it XD

Yes it was a shame getting rid of Cooper, who was my first and will always be in my heart. I felt this way when I killed him off too. But I just had way too many characters and had to wipe the slate clean again. This new character was ironically made one year after I joined the community. I had been thinking of making it since last week.
The deletion of the old characters has left me with a lot of focus for just the ones I have developed thoroughly, so I don't let it get to me that a few of my best had to be put away.
You have to put your past behind you. A pearl of wisdom from Timon. (:

Also: Added a Temporary Current Description, down at the bottom

Woops, fell asleep before I

Woops, fell asleep before I could respond. Sure go right on ahead, I'd love to hear more about your wonderful trip, my email is .
It'll be a shame to see him go, yet I'm glad to hear that you're starting 'a new.'
And yes very wise words, It's great seeing your beautiful art again it's been too long.~ cx
StalkerDino's picture

Sent. And Soon you'll be

And Soon you'll be annoyed of it, I bet. XD