~Emiva's Bio~ (and updates)

Emiva's picture
E m i v a

The Gazelle Doe


current staus;; watching.
feeling;; content. Thinking about the memories...
thoughts;; how long it has been, how long it will be. But I will never forget you, nor the forest.


Her full name is Emiva Sky, which is a name I recieved in a dream, or my native name. But for short and simple, we all just call her Emiva. (Em-ee-vuh)
You can call her whatever you wish! 'Miva' is nice, but for nicknames most people seem to like 'Emmy'.

Even though this game is intended for stags only, Emiva is a doe. This is shown by her stubby little antlers, which symbolize doe antlers.

When I look at it, I dont really see anything, I just see Emiva's symbol. (: But when asking my family members and friends, I've heard it being a cake, a person bending over, a guy with a moustache. <3 Note: Emiva does not have a moustache

Emmy is getting older. She was about 17 when I started, and well, I've been using endless forest for years, and I'd say she has gotten older. Probably somewhere around 20? 21?

Eye color
Originally, Emiva's eye color was meant to be brown. But after a while I started to think brown with a small tint of purple in it was nice too. But like whys, take your pick. I'd like to say her signature color, #996666, is the color of her eyes.

She has always been 'The Gazelle Doe', with a gazelle pelt, a real-deer mask, and stubby doe antlers. In artwork, I'd much rather portray her without any antlers at all, like a normal doe. And I try leaving out the mask as well, replacing it with a normal deer head. See below for an example.

I used to keep a whole list of Emiva's friends, but I now consider it pointless considering I consider everybody on The Endless Forest her friend, or at least, not her enemy. There are a lot of considers in that sentence.

Emiva's mate is SGRO <333 (whom she loves VERY much) with their daughter, Gweneth, Her brother Thsai, Her sister Lacey, and her step-sister Isis. Her aunt Is Mystress. c:

I cannot really give Emiva a distinct personality, other than really who I am. (Emiva is based thoroughly on myself) Usually she is friendly and care-free. Other times her connection may be a bit slow and she will seem more relaxed (;

Background Information
Not a lot is known about Emiva's background. Her mother is not that known either, there is a story, though, about how Emiva came to be. There was a lovely young woman, and her name was Rosemary. Rosemary had a sister she loved very much, Jyuniper. They both were very different, and were extremely close until there came an unsettled brawl that lasted until the day before Rosemary died, giving childbirth to Marigold. Jyuniper vowed to take custody of the child, and both sister's begged each other's forgiveness. Marigold was then later on taken to the Endless Forest, and her and her aunt Jyuniper were to take on deer images. Young Marigold's name was then changed to Emiva, due to uknown circumstances, and Jyuniper died of old age when Emiva was only twelve. She came back to the forest as a new deer, one that will be come to be known as the priestess of the Forest. Emiva and Mystress have been close, as a result.

Favorite spots
You can usually find Emiva around the pond, or near the crying idol. There is a reason she is oftenly seen around the crying stone, if you ask her she may tell you. :3

As a human, Emiva looks like me! To supply you a with physical appearance, click here. (drawn by Juke). She has pale skin, brownpurple eyes, long, straight brown hair, tall and gaunt. I have also always though of Emiva having the same physique as Venus in Boticelli's "Venus and Mars." here's another image for you, of me, cause Emiva is based after myself, and she would look like me if she were human! :'D

My Endless Forest Novel
A ten-chapter novel written by me, with artwork by other TEF members. It includes anybody who wishes to be in it, and has quite a tragic plotline behind it too.

Give it a click (;

"My Days" That Emiva happens to be in (:
The Hunter


Fanart Request Board
Want to request a fanart from Emiva? Click here!

Here is my collection of giftart, made by other players (: Thank you, everyone! <3
Click here for everything together

My usual signatures
One of these are probably my signature right now Eye


Follow me to the end.


Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3


Some Icons that I might frequently or have previously used. C:

Biography Pictures done by Paralda, Trinket (RebeccaH), Geethelove, and WUFF.

Updated Friday, July 16, 12:00 am

Emiva's picture



Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
xXbluepyroXx's picture

Omgeesh, ur bio is amazing

Omgeesh, ur bio is amazing Emmy! ^-^ Luff it.

::Play with Blue Fire::
Truth be Told I'm Lying.
[colour=aquaay with Blue Fire:.[/]
-Ignores the Smoke to Look at You-
Emiva's picture

<333 Thank ye <33333 c: <3

<333 Thank ye <33333 c: <3

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Deer700's picture

hello there

hello there
Emiva's picture

Hello Teiboku

Hello Teiboku

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Haru's picture

*noms on* TASTES LIKE

*noms on* TASTES LIKE CHICKIN! =B *sleep deprived weirdness*
I need to draw Emiva sometime |D

Emiva's picture

oyesyoudo!!!! X3

oyesyoudo!!!! X3

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
JesusFreak3's picture

I haven't seen your deer in

I haven't seen your deer in the forest yet Emiva, but then again, I'm new here so. =)

God Bless!
--------|Salt and Light|--------
[Matthew 5]{John 3:16}(Romans 3:23)~John 1:1~
Jesus Didn't TAP!
God Bless!

--------|Salt and Light|--------

YAAAAAAAAY you're back! ^^

YAAAAAAAAY you're back! ^^ That cheered Rut up a bit <3

-- Dannii <3

Blog, Updates, Pictograms, Biographies
Emiva's picture

I'm glad it did so. (:

I'm glad it did so. (:

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Seele's picture

What coincidence <3 Just

What coincidence <3 Just today I had wondered where you were, and if you'd return to us. Your fanart would miss you XD (JK, but it's SO MUCH Whoa X"D) *huggles* Yay!! Emivaa!

--Stays a lonely Seele

Emiva's picture

Seeleeee!!! My first friend

Seeleeee!!! My first friend on here <33 I lubs you <:D

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3




To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Emiva's picture

MARPEACHES!! -glomp- We

MARPEACHES!! -glomp- We need to continue that RP with Dannii's deer xD

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Which one? The one where we

Which one? The one where we stole Rutilus and turned into deerfish (or merdeer as some may call it)? Or what?


To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Emiva's picture

Yes, the deerfish Merdeer

Yes, the deerfish Merdeer giant-fishtank-on-island rp xD

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

OMG EMMY. I was looking

OMG EMMY. I was looking through random pictos on the deer registration page and found this picto that was scary oh-so-close to Emiva's picto. lol Just felt like sharing Smiling


To my Deer Updates! See who's online!
Emiva's picture

O: Rlly? Mind sending a

O: Rlly? Mind sending a link? Laughing out loud <3

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Oh I didn't do anything with

Oh I didn't do anything with it... It's probably in the pile of unused pictos somewhere... I dunno how to give a link to one of those... |3


To my Deer Updates! See who's online!

Fwahaha. -drags Emiva&Gwen

-drags Emiva&Gwen into forest-
Emiva's picture

Ze forest is being naughty

Ze forest is being naughty on my computer >:C

Hello Sgro~ <33

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Kinsmate's picture

Hi Emiva! I'm still gonna

Hi Emiva! I'm still gonna draw your deer but rihgt now I'm in the hospital and I'm surprised I can still get internet....
'Smile, it's easier than explaning why you're sad.'
Emiva's picture

Moony? Why are you at the

Moony? Why are you at the hospital?

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
Kinsmate's picture

Long... painful...

Long... painful... story..... Witch it's my life at night but at least something came out of this whole thing that was good.
'Smile, it's easier than explaning why you're sad.'

'ello love..... Naughty

'ello love.....
Naughty forest? Redface
Uh, just so you know, Sgro had no involvement with the forest acting up in any waaayy .______.;
ps; Gwen hates her father
pss; Paaagge streeetch

Haru's picture

For you

Emiva's picture

O_o Why is Gweneth dressed

O_o Why is Gweneth dressed as her mother?.... :0
Sgro and Emiva need a wedding. x3;;; They've been engaged for a while- soon they're going to get too old do anything. Gweneth and Haru already have children.. .____. --sgro+em are grandparents--

Haru!! :DDD <33 That is gorgeouss! <3 Thank you so much dearie<33 You are my favorite --only-- son in law xD

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3
squeegie's picture

Squeegie: -bounces around-

Squeegie: -bounces around- Hey Emivaaaa. c8
Verycrazygirl's picture

I'm posting on behalf of a

I'm posting on behalf of a friend; Snowrift.
She wants to say she misses you. <:3
Meet Virgil

Thank you Doe! ^^

Emiva's picture

You.... you know

You.... you know Snowrift?
Tell her I miss her as well.... very much.

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3



Everytime I log on you log

Everytime I log on you log off. O:
Because she takes after her mother[/fail]
Butbut Emmy-darling is never in the forest~
WOWwowwowwowwow...Gweneth has a kiiiiidd? ._________.
What is this nonsense of which you speak?

lol Cas fails.
Verycrazygirl's picture

Snowrift is a friend, I know

Snowrift is a friend, I know her elsewhere. I will forward your responce to her when I next see her.
Meet Virgil

Thank you Doe! ^^

Emiva's picture

Casila- Hello thar sweetie

Casila- Hello thar sweetie :3
jukebox- lolyesfail.
Yes, she has a child. Talk to Haru or whatever. We're getting old, don't deny it xDD -saggy fur- Ohohohoh we need a Sgro/Emiva getting-old-together happy pic. <3

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Casmuffins does not fail. D8

Casmuffins does not fail. D8

YES. I shall never age.


I shall never age. I'm to sexy for that. What would the forest do without me? ghsfphjgd Emiva, get your arse in the forest. It's rainy. Our weather. Andand out adoptive child isn't keeping me warm. -frowns upon your bio- Frown

Casafras speaks! Shocked
Emiva's picture

XDDD Oldie Sgro~

XDDD Oldie Sgro~

Soonsoon, Dearie, But be patient because life is busy. And PLEASE cut off on the salted pinecones, you need to watch your weight.

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Epic late post .______. I

Epic late post .______.
I can't wait any loooonger. :U

I didn't think they were doing THAT much damage to my luscious body. Sad
Gweneth's picture

Does emmy ever come on

Does emmy ever come on anymore..? ;_______;

Gweneth+Haru <333
Emiva's picture

I'm sorry, Studying for

I'm sorry, Studying for finals is taking up all of my time, ;_; I promise I will get on more in the summer, okay? okay? :3 <3 okay.

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Emiva can has bio?

Emiva can has bio?
Shocked <------

Faline: Emiva your

Faline: Emiva your absolutely gorgeous!

Faline wanted to stop by and say that to you. (: I love your bio btw. 8D

Kieva's picture

Oh Emiva! I drew a fanart

Oh Emiva! Laughing out loud I drew a fanart picture for you I will upload it soon! How are you? I missed you I got a new computer Sticking out tongue My arms are healed now but the doctor might have to rebreakthem oyay pshhhh I hope to see you in the forest soon! My birthday is coming up! :'D
"Love is like a rose, you must get past the thorns to reach the blossom." ~Kieva
Emiva's picture

KIEVA!! 8D It's been too

KIEVA!! 8D It's been too long >w< I miss you so much. I'll have to draw something for you as well! I love it when old people come back. it makes meh happeh. Great about you're arms, and DFJD HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Faline thank you so much! :'D <3 I appreciate it. But I think my bio needs an epic bio makeover. <3

Kieva's picture

You dun have to draw me

You dun have to draw me something <3 Its fine
"Love is like a rose, you must get past the thorns to reach the blossom." ~Kieva
Emiva's picture

DUH I do. It's your

DUH I do. It's your BIRTHDAY. (btw it's my dad's bday today too! :'D )


-CUDDLE- -- Dannii <3


-- Dannii <3

B| GREETINGS. -cuddle-

B| GREETINGS. -cuddle-
Emiva's picture


Laughing out loud Dannii~ <3 Boy, things on this site have changed! :/ And.. lotsa new people..

I'm aware B) -feels

I'm aware B) -feels insignificant nowadays-