June 19, 2011 - 3:18am — TinkerToy
SO, a-yup. I decided to get back into TEF, but I am having a great deal of trouble getting the deer I'd love. Red fur, Red antlers and the baboon looking mask, the red one? I feel bad because some one stayed with me for like twenty minutes trying to get the mask I wanted but it never showed up, but then I sent the spell to some one else and it came up! First try! Haha, I know, I know, it takes time but man! Played for over two hours and I am still stuck as the brown starter deer. Would any one be able to help me out?
August 24, 2010 - 7:26pm — TinkerToy
Ok so first off Im having trouble "keeping" fur, horns,mask ect. It was my fault I lost the fur, it seems I clicked the body icon to much and reverted back to the boring brown. The mask I had didnt re-appear when I log back on, even when I went to the mushroom circle. I dont know if the game is suppost to do this, but it seems odd to have to get every thing again. Any one have some help?