[=#438db7]It was a sunny and friendly moring.
The little fawn Mela played near the pond with a butterfly.
Her mother grazed nearby.
Mela went to the pond to drink. But…the was something in the pond!!
FISHIES!!Mela loved every animal.
She took some steps towals them. The water reached her knees.
She stretched her neck to touch them and took one last step…but…the was nothing!
She screamed and the water flowed in her mouth and her lung.She struggled with her little legs, but she dropped along.
Her lung started to hurt …then she realized: she drown in the pond…she will never see her mother again…no butterflies, no forest…no live anymore.
Her eyes went slowly dark when suddenly someone drawned her up! Crocodiles?
To feed on crocodiles or drown in the pond…death or death…so she didn’t move.
Her lung and her head hurt terrible. She thought about all these happy moments in her past, when there was something different…she wasn’t anymore in the water.
There was something what she nearly have been forgotten...AIR!!!
she draw a deep breath.“…mela…“she turned around her head and..saw her mother…drown in the pond, she had been rescued her…her head pant for air.
”I love you…”she wanted to help her, but her legs disobey her. Her mom disappeared.”NOOOOOOOOOAAAHH”a terrible scream…her father stood at the pond!!
he turned around and ran, never seen again. She screamed a soundless cry and felt asleep…
“Mom..MOM !!”I cry”WATER !EVERYWHERE!!the pond…NNOOOO!! "
i wake up…the crying ideal...water NEXT TO ME!!!