StalkerDino's blog

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Dino's Deer-ectory

One place where you can get all the information on India, Lady Ahuna, Pheonix and Kaddaemirhafiz
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The Indigo [India] Princess || Biography

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Taking on a challenge [TEF HOODIE]

Task: Create a hoodie based on the TEF pelt design "Fan"

Details: Haru ( has given me (StalkerDino) permission to attempt at making the Fan hoodie based on her idea on TEF pelted hoodies. I have taken up the challenge given to slow income of requests and my own interest in this idea and the game The Endless Forest. I hope to find this project fun and entertaining for myself to give me something to do and, in the end, something fashionable and epic to wear.

*find out more by viewing the full version*
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