skittlezrawr's blog

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Vaq's Journal #3: All Grown Up

I'm officially a stag now. With the help of La I was able to achieve my new look. I feel that I look sufficiently trickster, if I do say so myself.

The next day I had decided to take my new found stag magic to forest. The day had started like any other, I immediately got my hooves on some magic. A sleeping deer happened to be nearby (uweheheh). From that sleeping deer's dreams I pulled a prank so large, that it would shape the course of a new found friendship. I found a deer with no pelt and zapped 'em with a new one. They seemed a little upset at first but, then I realized he wanted help! They wanted my magic prowess to help 'em achieve the pelt of their dreams. It took a bit, but by the Twin Gods, I did it. I got 'em their pelt, but their antlers. Their antlers were normal and unflashy. That took even longer, but no magic is too much for Vaq, Paragon of Pranks, Master of Magic! I'm proud to say I got that deer everything they wanted. And I feel like I made a new friend today.

Me and my new friend.
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Vaq's Journal #2: Bibidi Cadabra Shazaam! (A study of magic)

Since my last entry I've been examining other deer and how magic affect them. I've been looking for a style of my own for when I'm fully grown and I can safely say I've found the perfect look for myself. A Magpie mask, the Venetian Carnival antlers, and finally a Noh pelt. Though, once I've mastered the magic of The Endless Forest does not mean my tricks will cease. Oh, Gods no. Once I have mastered the magic on myself I will become a spirit of shenanigans, a totem of trickery, a paragon of pranks. Some deer may find me antagonistic, but I merely want to have fun and share my fun. As a side note, there is nothing funny about spell spamming, that's just mean. A simple one time pelt change is all you need for a good prank.

Today I pranked Unplugged. He seemed a little upset at first, but he found the humor in the situation. Luckily, my friend La was there too, so naturally she got pranked as well. Then a bunch of fauns showed up and played with us as well. I've met so many nice deer lately.
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"I take my pranks very seriously."
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Vaq's Journal #1: A New Fawn on the Lawn

Who's got two hooves and loves his new home? This fawn. I love the forest. I just wanna play and jump around, maybe cause a little mischief. My magic's not too strong yet, so naturally I can't keep any of the horns and pelts these other deer have given me, but I've got some ideas of what I'd like to look like when I'm all grown up.

Today was quite fun. I found another fawn huddled under the shell of a tree, I tried to get them to come out and play with me. It took a bit of persuading but I finally got them to come out of their shell. We played in the flowers a bit then I lost 'em. I hope I can find them again soon. I also helped another deer get a mask. Myself and another long masked fellow cast all the magic we could until the victim of our spells was satisfied.

Overall, it was a good day.
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