singingbird's blog

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Character Bio: Lazaros

Lazaros: Plague-breather

Name: Lazaros (LAZ-ar-os)

Nickname(s): Laz

Title(s): The Vigil-keeper, Undertaker

Associated with: Disease, palliative medicine, death, dying, rats, funerary rites.

Gender: Stag

Birthday: October 4th

Age: Adult

Size: 7

Set: Space Beluga Pelt, Magpie Mask, Swan Antlers. *
He has an inky, indigo colored pelt with white markings that resemble a ribcage, only accentuated by his lanky build. His fur is short, sleek, and silky. His antlers are glossy and ebony in color. His mask is that of a plague doctor.

Picto: The Mortar and Pestle

"A mortar and pestle is a kitchen device used since ancient times to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing and grinding them into a fine paste or powder....Mortars and pestles were traditionally used in pharmacies to crush various ingredients prior to preparing an extemporaneous prescription." *

Personality: Reserved, cunning, and a tad brooding. Prefers to keep to himself, though he enjoys company so long as conversation is not expected. His strange interests and hobbies can cause others to think he's a 'freak' or simply 'weird', but he doesn't seem to mind being thought of as such.
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Character Bio: Taodrak

Taodrak: Wind-listener

Name: Taodrak (TAU-drak)

Nickname(s): Tao

Title(s): Ancient One, Oracle, Seer

Associated with: Prayer flags, wind, voices, mountains.

Gender: Male-ish, but kind of undead so it's pretty irrelevant for him.

Birthday: February 10th

Age: Ancient

Size: 11

Set: Inky Koi Pelt, Zombie Deer Mask, Candle Antlers.*
He has thick, fluffy calico fur which catches the air of a breeze, making him look as though he could blow away. His antlers most often bear prayer flags or candles.
As alternates to his main set in-game, he sometimes wears the Long Mask on his face, and/or wears flowers on his antlers. An undead mystic needs style points.

Picto: The Kite

"Kites have a long and varied history and many different types are flown individually and at festivals worldwide. Kites may be flown for recreation, art or other practical uses.... Kites were invented in China, where materials ideal for kite building were readily available: silk fabric for sail material; fine, high-tensile-strength silk for flying line; and resilient bamboo for a strong, lightweight framework." *

Personality: Wise, contemplative, and a bit mischievous. In spite of being so old that he's pretty much fur and bones, he has some spring left in his step. He loves to play tricks on others, and to tell jokes.
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Character Bio: Chantimagne

Chantimagne: Snow-dancer

Name: Chantimagne (SHAN-ti-main)

Nickname(s): Prince Charming

Title(s): Prince of Flowers, The Silver Prince, Gilded

Associated with: Snow, ice, early morning light, precious metals, bells

Gender: Stag

Birthday: January 23rd

Age: Young Adult

Size: 29

Set: Long Pelt, Real Deer Mask, Real Deer Antlers.
His eyes are a shimmering silver-blue. His pelt is flecked with gold and silver, due to his very fine, almost metallic-looking guardhairs that lay between his luxurious white fur and rich slate undercoat. His antlers also have hints of gold and silver. More often than not, he carries bells on his antlers that jingle as he walks.

Picto: The Wind Chime

[=12] "Wind chimes are a type of percussion instrument constructed from suspended tubes, rods, bells or other objects that are often made of metal or wood. The tubes or rods are suspended along with some type of weight or surface which the tubes or rods can strike when they or another wind-catching surface are blown by the natural movement of air outside. They are usually hung outside of a building or residence as a visual and aural garden ornament.

Wind chimes are thought to be good luck in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui.... [They] were hung from shrines and pagodas to ward off evil spirits and attract benevolent ones.

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Endless Screenshots

Screenie dump. Will be updated periodically. Larger Screenies will be in links, cropped ones will be shown in full :3

With Cheveyo and Starchild

Happy Deer Circle

The Rut

You look like an old friend of mine (Quamar)
singingbird's picture

*SUP* ~Art Trades and Freebies~ *I really want to draw deer*

So I was sketching Sulwyn earlier (I will color and add her picto later Sticking out tongue) and I realized I really want to get some more practice drawing deer. I'd love to do some art trades, but would also be willing to draw some freebies (limit one per person for this batch)! This is the first time in a looong time that I've done TEF art, and I want to get back into it, with a particular focus on the art style of the game.

With both trades and freebies, I want to draw characters basically as they look in-game.

Trades: I'm more flexible to adding a more "custom" look to the character, if you have a reference sheet, as long as it isn't hugely complicated. You can also give me direction in regards to posing insofar as I can do the same for directing your half of the trade :3

Freebies: Since freebies are free, they are more "take what you get"- I will only color them if I feel like it and I will choose the pose. If I know the character/have seen them in-forest, I will probably be more inclined to put more work into the freebie.

Sketch of Sulwyn

Still pictoless and needs some editing but still whoosh

Comment below if you'd like to do an art trade or if you'd like a freebie Laughing out loud

1. AceAshling (Ashe) Sketch

2. WildflowerDeer (Culzean) Sketch

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Character Bio: Sulwyn

Sulwyn: Star-gazer

Name: Sulwyn (SUL-win)

Nickname(s): Sully, Sul, Prancey Pants

Title(s): The Starlit Witch

Associated with: Stars, light, light-related magic, fireflies, energy, dawn and dusk, hope, guidance.

Gender: Doe

Birthday: November 17th

Age: Young Adult

Size: 32

Set: Fan Pelt, Real Deer Mask, Gazelle Antlers. *
She has light gold, luminescent eyes. When light is low, the gold stripes on her pelt magically shimmer like gold or glow like fireflies, depending on her mood. The fur on her legs, face, ears, and tail is slightly darker than the fur on her neck and torso.
Her set has remained unchanged since I created her in 2008, though she did go through a phase of having the noh "doe" antlers.

Picto: The Eternal Flame
Formerly, Sulwyn's pictogram was a "y" in a box, but that was an account I shared with a friend. Since the "Eternal Flame" picto was the first one I chose by myself (for Sulwyn's sister, Aris), I'm going to use it for Sulwyn from now on, and Aris will get a new picto along with a design rehaul.

[=12]"An eternal flame is a flame, lamp or torch that burns continuously for an indefinite period. Most eternal flames are ignited and tended intentionally, but some are natural phenomena caused by natural gas leaks, peat fires and coal seam fires, all of which can be initially ignited by lightning, piezoelectricity or human activity, some of which have burned for thousands of years.

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I'm baaaaaaaaaack!

A returning player from 2008. Last time I played this I was in middle school LOL

So excited to be back and to create some new deer!

Edit: Thanks for all the welcoming :'D
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