July 8, 2011 - 11:02pm — Evolet
Its been a year or so since I last played this so I'm a newbie again, bare with me here.(I'm not sure where to make this so it'll just have to go here)
A couple questions and a request of sorts.. Question first; Once I fit my deer with whatever I want(Besides the whiteness that I love :c) do I just go to Network and click save and it'll all be there when I want to use it next? Or does that only work if you want to take stuff on and off during a single session?
Now I've been having some trouble with finding the set I want. I absolutely love the large skeletal like antlers but I'd rather look more like a doe. Is there any type of 'antler set' that I could be fitted with that isn't too frilly? ALSO, would anybody be so kind as to fit me with the brown/lightly spotted pelt? Or possibly the light grey?
I'm on right now btw if you can help me with any of this, I'm near the pond.. My picto looks like an awkward face. xD
Thank you so much for your help, I now have another question and request.. I'm so clueless.
Question: If somebody transforms you into another animal can you save it so you will always become that once entering TEF? And will you be able to poof back into a deer whenever you want while not completely ridding yourself of the spell?
I figured that out! Now the request still stands.. I'm just far too lazy to change the "If you can save it and.." etc..
Request: IF you can save it AND still return to your deer form could somebody turn me into a Crow? I'm more than willing to help you with whatever you want in return?