Hi there! Since I've been busy drawing some friends for random/less random reasons, I thought I'd do better putting them up in one blog. I'm still not done with a lot of them, but I can keep a little list for myself here <3
Also, did photobucket stop working for others too? It keeps crashing.
(I don't really have an order in these XD)
1. Solace --Finished
2. Pride -- Finished
3. Flyra & Loque -- Finished
4. Cata -- Finished
5. Thalia -- Scanned
6. Zorai -- Finished
7. Fenkovan -- Finished
8. Dannii's birthday -- Sketched
9. Saan -- Sketched
10. Corvus -- Finished (I should've done a better job colouring D8 Sigh)
11. WORKING ON A COMIC!! -- 7 pages sketched
12. Poltergeist's little video.
About this video I'm talking about:
Hey there! As some might know, I'm going to make a little video about Poltergeist. I'm going to use
Apocalyptica - Path as the song. And for what I've got in mind now, I'm needing the following deer:
Poltergeist (Sun and Night set)
Cata (Maybe even Sunny? XD)
I'm listing them like this so I can keep up with who's part is finished. When you have time, do contact me! We can set a time to ..Well start this XD!! I need to be on the computer downstairs, since my own can't run fraps without making me uber-slow. (Going to be a running up-and-down thing. yeah) I'll give you more information when I need you.
When I'm "filming", I'm not responding to other deer, especially when Poltergeist is alone, since I might even have other players off. Also, if you're in the way, Poltergeist will walk up to you, shake no, and point (Scratch the ground) where you should go to to be out of the image XD If that doesn't work, she'll rear and lower her antlers(I'm not mad, but we need to get a point across!)
For those who're in it: I can give some explanation on her signs.