Poppyflower's blog

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Set Help

Just need an antelope pelt and either a Real Deer Mask or Venetian Carnival- which ever one I get first, XD

I`ll be a fawn waiting by the Crying Idol. Thanks (:
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Just Wondering

Anyone mind casting a mini spell on me? I'm the fawn inside the Old Oak.

Thankies <3
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Tough Love (Ryuki)

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I haven`t rped with my characters for a while. Just wondering if anyone would like to rp with them. You can rp with more than one, if you`d like. (:


- Young adult

- Quiet when first met, quickly warms up to most strangers

- Curious, full of energy

- Not too much of a fighter, but will fight if need be.

- Fast runner.

- Doesn`t mind lying down for a while.

Oria Myst

- Teenager/Young adult

- Bouncy, quite loud.

- Usually not very serious unless the situation calls for it.

- Quick to befriend most deer.

- Gets angry somewhat easily

- Also gets annoyed easily, but it usually wears off quickly.

- Fiercely loyal to those whom she trusts

- Loves exploring.


- Newborn fawn/owlet

- Very small (A little bigger than 4)

- Half deer, half Arctic owlet

- Hyper

- Tries to make herself seem tougher than she is, but quick to become timid around larger deer.

- A bit afraid of normal; has only been around other owl deer for most of her short life.

- Afraid, but also intriuged by flight.

- Occasionally has nightmares.

Feel free to rp with whomever Smiling
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Devout Pelt?

I`ve heard that there`s a way to keep the devout pelt, though I don`t know how XD

Is it also possible to keep it while you`re a mini fawn? Since you`d have to keep reloading sets...
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What Goes Up {Makalu} Will Never Come Back Down

Enjoy the attempts at styling this bio as a result of complete lack of skill pertaining to CSS


This bio is currenty under construction. More will be added as time progesses (:


```````````````````````````````` N A M E: Makalu

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G E N D E R: Female

+++++++++++++++++++++ S P E C I E S: Tef Deer/ Arctic Owl

S P E A K S I N: #00FFFF

H I S T O R Y: The earliest memory the owlet has was waking up in a small, sun-dappled thicket. She held no recollection of anything but one word: Makalu. She had no idea what it meant.

The owlet wandered the forest alone and scared for a day, avoiding the other huge beings nearby. She eventually came across a blueberry bush and cautiously tasted it. Though it wasn`t exactly prime to her, it settled her stomach for a bit.

Scared of accidently being stepped on by the other massive things in the forest, Makalu thought that climbing one of the tall brown objects (trees) around the forest would help her. It took most of the day and some of the night for her to climb to a low hanging branch. Exhausted, she soon fell asleep.

The next morning, the owlet woke up to realize that she had no idea how to get out the tree. That has when she spotted the others...

The rest will be filled out as she ages (:

S I Z E: Small, a tiny bit larger than a 4.

Appearance: As she is half Arctic owl, Makalu`s appearance is largely based off of the latter. Currently, she is pure white with a few grayish brown feathers. As she gets older, she will eventually gain more gray brown feathers, but retain her main white color.
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How to Scan Pictures?


How do you scan a drawing on to the internet? I don`t think that I need an account to actually upload it to Tinypic.... so or I hope. XD
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Just wondering, would any of you guys be willing to teach me CSS? I never really got it, and it feels like I've never really gotten a chance to develop my characters because if it. I have a feeling that perhaps it isn't as hard as I think....

I know CSS can't really be "taught" in that sense, because there's lots of different aspects of it, but even a simple one would be fine.

Love you guys <3
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May Or May Not Actually Turn Into Something

Name: Mirtham (for now)

Gender: Male

Species: Diamondback Rattlesnake/Tef deer



Loyal, but impossibly hard to trust.

Yeah, I`ve had this floating around in my head for a while. If I knew CSS, and how to scan pictures into a computer this would have been a bio by now.
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