NotAvailable's blog

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Some questions...

Hello again. its me :I
i was wondering a few things about this awesome site. like:

1 - would i be ready to make one of those pages for your deer that you guys call a 'biography'?

2 - if you really like music and think that you could use it for your deer, are you allowed to bring it to this site, and if you are, how?

3 - another thing i was wondering was how would you get a picture that you drew on this site? is it like for your profile picture?

i might think of other questions i want to ask, but for now this is all i can think of.
Sticking out tongue
NotAvailable's picture


NotAvailable's picture


there's a website for this game, awesome! I wanted to ask, is there like a goal for this game? you know, like do you have to find something or fight something? is it a competition? :|
But other than that, its really awesome I like it. The symbol thingies above their heads are so cute Sticking out tongue
My fawn has a smile above his head...
but he's not really that happy.
He tries to be, but he can't.
Retards kick his ass at school.
When he tries to get a girlfriend, someone steals her away.
He tries fitting in, but just gets kicked out.
So he tries hurting himself...and everyone laughs.
Thats why he has stitches, like me.
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