Name: Croy ( full- Craymont ) named after a forest
Gender: Male
Age: ? mature
Usually wears: Secretary mask and antlers, blue and white pelt
Parents: None as of yet ( looking for blue themed and secretary themed parents, shares secretary parent with Loche : P )
Relations: Loche, half sister. ( looking for other relations : P perhaps blue themed or secretary themed brothers/sisters ) Cousin Vipin? : D xD j/k
Mate status: None :C
Friends: 21, Drium, Taiko, Ghost, Vipin, Laruna
Personality: He might've had a screwy juvenile-hood, following girls a bit, but he is now a mature deer. Croy is rather modest and tries his best to respect the ladies, but sometimes falls aghast at their behavior. He is loyal to his friends, and sticks around with them in his own quiet but thoughtful way. If he intersects your deer, he is just trying to be friendly. : ) He is sympathetic to others and spends time around them just to support them.
Name: Loch, Loche ( full- Lochaber LOW-kay-bur ) named after an axe
Gender: Female