Kieva's blog

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flying candles? wierd what the deal today?
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My snowy day

I woke up with a cold little white dot touching my nose I woke uop silently the tears where dry from my crying and i woke up to snowflakes:

And I traveled to the forest for some time and dozed off again by the river i woke as a bat so I traveled to Emiva to show her and she was laughing and i was to xD Emiva and a fawn were casting spells on eacjother when i came to her:

Then 'I dozed off again and woke up and didnt see emiva i looked with my batty and wolfish senses and snoffed her out and found her formed into a rock lol:

Amnd then i dozed off AGAIN lol and she was gone i decided to just go to the pond and lay down in the water...

And I caught some fish and ate them and then layed down satisfied with my batty meal:

Then some deer ran past me not noticeing and underwater bat in the water so I decided to turn back to normal... and that was pretty much my day...
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Kieva Bio

Her intestines hurt but she holds on and is happy but kinda in pain...
pelt: Bird horns caribou pelt deer mask and is a bat
Gender: Female
Spiecies: wolf deer/wolf doe
Mood: Happy but in a little pain
Age: 12
Eye Color: calm blue
In Forest: Yes
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Is or has it started to snow?

has it started to snow?
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Kieva Bio

Currently: Feeling like an outcast and hiding sad about her mate.... doesnt want to be seen....
Pelt:Bird horns caribou pelt deer mask
Gender: Female
Spiecies: wolf deer/wolf doe
Mood: Sulking very sad cuz of her mate....
Age: 12
Eye color: sad blue
Her mate betrayed her...
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The Server is back up!!!

The title says everything Laughing out loud xD
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My mourning day with Emiva

Sadness a feeling so great... I noticed while sleeping Emive in red so I ran to her and seeing her sadness while sleeping got the coat closest to the red one and slept by her with red flowers and a red lined coat as my display for ill mourn for her friend with her. For I am now a doe with antlers and coats...
But then I figured out how to change my coat to red by walking through the statue

Then Emiva dissapeared so I just sat ther waiting for her return... Then another buck came in with red and we both sat there...Then he got up and left

I was alone and another red buck came and layed down...
And then my snow fire pack friend called Fallen came and layed down as well...
then another buck came and a fawn...Fallen traveled to the ruins but i waited for emiva to come back...

Then I got up and headed for the ruins....

I came back and layed down by the crying waterfall still in red when a doe came up looking like Emiva and sat down looking at me and i was just siting there waiting for emiva...
Then it left and a buck came with big antlers....

I accidentally dozed off for awhile and when I woke Emiva was there i gave an honered and apologizeing bow and layed down and then she dissapeared again...

I saw her again and layed down and dozed off next to her lol when i woke she was sleeping there I really hope i make it to the endless forest funeral....

And later on that pracitally now night I was tired:

And Then I went to a Line in dance at the playground:
Kieva's picture

Kieva's Bio

personality: loyal kind loving strong and curious
age: 12
gender: Female
Pelt: ull never know lol i change alot
History: A female that has antlers wolf lover does not fear the wolf and is beautiful and unique
Friends so far: Emiva Sariebere Martinca Windance Paisley Shine
Spiecies: wolf doe/wolf female deer
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k heres an idea Herds there should be herd s u can be in and a lord of the herd have meetings and stuff and allie herds and stuff like that where they travel together and stuff... just an idea....
Kieva's picture

A foggy day

I woke up to the howling of wolves…As a gentle cold fog blew softly over me, hearing the coos of owls and waking to see the bats. I rose and stretched and I was alone. I walked slowly through the forest enjoying it and calm, I heard footsteps of another deer coming my way…. I ran up to it but it took off scared of the howls, But I I knew it was ok for wolves were my friends I heard more footsteps and went to see some more deer, and then I saw none I simply gave up just to relax so I ran to the big tree. I just felt cold inside feeling well today. As the bats swirled past me while I was on my way,

I met some fawns when I came playing in the tree with their magic coats I felt happy to see them play I came in and welcomed them with a bow, Then a buck came in with her coat displayed and I bowed to her as she did to me… I walked relaxed to the pond, I saw a fawn and a buck asleep at day and I walked into the water to go and lay down in the relaxing day.

Then I layed there awhile and got up and lapped cool water and then I was on my way,
I went to the ruins and saw more of deer and bowed to them happily And there I met Emiva and also some other deer…

And next I went on my way in the foggy clear cool day…

Later on that day I was so so cold so i went to the tree with my new antler display and saw a cold little fawn in the tree asleep so with my new fur i slept aside the little fawn to keep it warm and I got warm to xD

And i ran along to the ruins where i met a couple more deer and i danced with them to the spooky yet kewl music lol

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