kanaf's blog

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Raku's Question Blog


This is for any of my deer, including secret/unofficial. And it can be anything, don't be shy! I don't care how dirty or personal or whatever it is. And please specify if it's a human or deer question.


Mercutio (Romeo + Juliet)
Grapevine (led a previous life as a rabbit)
Giuseppe (horribly cowardly sheep-like deer)
Skelter (quiet and mysterious, seems oddly attached to fawns)
Antoine (French vampire)
L (Death Note fandeer)
Russia (Hetalia fandeer)
America (Hetalia fandeer)
Canada (Hetalia fandeer)
Sweden (Hetalia fandeer)
Kanaf's picture

um... RP? FFFF

Yeah my last one died...


OTHER THAN THAT I dunno... I'm open to anything I guess. A lot of times one RP in particular just takes over the whole thing FFFF I dunno I don't really mind that I guess.


I'll list my deer later...
Kanaf's picture

Another RP blog?

All my RPs have come to a close so LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE /unstunst

Uhhhhhhhhh all my deer are available, and that means ALL my deer, secret included. Deer or human, I'm not writing down info like the last one LOL okdaognkn




let's get this party started 8D you request, I start <3
Kanaf's picture

Send to...

The phone sat there on the table, with one single person staring at it. His green-yellow gaze kept flowing, contacting the blue cellphone with each passing second. He remembered what is friend had asked him the other day...

"Yoo gonna do id?"

"Yeah... Thinkin about it."

"Yoo shud.. I thin id wud mahk yoo happeh."

It would make him happy. But only if the answer was right. How long had this been going on? He couldn't remember, he hadn't been this distracted before. No, not since his last love. So short-lived, and always secret. Why couldn't he just love someone and have no one care about it? Maybe this was his chance.

He picked up the phone. He flipped it open. He typed in a few words. Those few painful words.

Hey, I wanted to ask you something.

Send to.


Message sent.
Kanaf's picture

The one behind Raku...

My name is Deanna
My birthday is March 22
My age is 16
My hair is dark dark brown
My eyes are hazel
My siblings are two older brothers
My clothes are tanks tanks tanks!
My language is English, and some Spanish
My genetics are Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, German, a little more in that area

I'm very very shy to new people, and won't talk to them unless they talk to me first. I like my alone time, which most people don't understand, but I do, and I hate being interrupted. I enjoy any time of peace I can possibly attain, no matter where it is. I love nature, and try to preserve as much life as possible. I'm strongly opposed to killing bugs unless they're a threat or if you use the body (translation: eat it). I'm also very artistic and I see beauty in most things, even when others find them ugly. I've become somewhat cold after a long, trying experience with love (or lack thereof). But I'm sure once someone actually shows me they care, I'll warm up again.

I have a wide variety of interest. Drawing, making plushies, collecting dragons, and watching movies are the hobbies that come to mind first. I'm also a bit of an obsessor over some things. Some long running obsessions are Cyborg 009 (anime), Death Note (anime), The Endless Forest of course, dragons (collecting them), and my newest, Hetalia (anime). My obsessions always die down after a while, but part of me will always be attached to them for a long long time.

I have well over 100 dragons crammed in my room, but I haven't counted recently.
I have many plushies that I've made myself, and I can't bear to let any of them go.
My floor is always littered in notebooks and sketchbooks.
I'm obsessed with roleplaying and crack convos.
Kanaf's picture

TIME FOR AN RP provided by the one and only Raku~

YES. I HAVE RISEN OUT OF MY RP GRAVE. And since I can never reach any other RP in time before it explodes, IM MAKING ONE MYSELF. HUR HUR. Uhhhh human or deer if you want. IM MAKIN THIS DANNII STYLE.

These are my deer (plus some secret):

Skokey - heterosexual - mate is Fenqua - quiet, kindhearted
Vessel - heterosexual - mate is Xylia - calm, philosophical
Fulu - heterosexual - mate is Zilant - Neutral, closed heart to most
Clock - heterosexual - mate is Danielle - Crazy, hyper, unstable
Tropa - heterosexual - single - loving, motherly, curious
Bellsio - heterosexual - dating Cal - happy, dog-like
Andy - homosexual - single - kind, flirty
Faytha - heterosexual - dating Spade - happy, teenager
Ketan - heterosexual - single - young, quiet, awkward
Antoine - heterosexual - single - quiet, vampire, observant
L - heterosexual - single - strange, intelligent

geez thats a lot...

Appearance as Deer:

Skokey: Monarch pelt, Golden Butterfly mask, Key antlers. One wing on the mask is broken off from a gunshot.
Vessel: Kabuki pelt with blue gems on the shoulders, the Noh mask is actually his face, not a mask, Butterfly antlers.
Fulu: Secretary Bird pelt, Magpie mask, Peacock feathers.
Clock: Striped pelt, Hands mask, Fan antlers.
Tropa: Kirin pelt is actually frog skin, green with darker green spots along the back, no fur, Monarch mask, Peacock feathers is actually green hair, about shoulder length.
Kanaf's picture

Short bios on all my deer



Skokey, after he was born, was given up. His mother, Jayla, wanted to keep her new little fawn very much, but his father, Heron, wanted nothing to do with him. He was later found by a kind old stag, Siki. Skokey spent most of his fawnhood under Siki, but it was cut short when his father eventually died of a terrible disease. Skokey was lucky he didn't catch it. After spending some time alone, he finally set out to make some new friends. He found his future mate, Fenqua, who was only a little older than her. They became great friends, spending much time together. After entering adolescence, he was confronted by his mother, who had another little fawn trailing behind her. Skokey was infuriated, and soon, extremely depressed. After months of barely eating anything and wallowing in his sadness, he decided to kill himself. At the Pond, right before he was about to go under, he was saved by Fenqua. She took great care of him over the months, getting him back to how he used to be. After he was back to normal, his sister came to live with him after finding out their mother had died. Skokey had no choice but to take care of her, and soon, they bonded. Skokey and Fenqua finally confessed their love for each other. Not long after, Fenqua gave birth to fraternal twins, Faytha and Fenkovan. They still live happily together at the Playground.

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The ~*deus*~ .D.I.A.B.O.L.U.S. - Chapter 5

(WARNING: Mature content, language and slight violence.

its also really long XD)

“I don't know what to do, Tropa...”

“... It sounds like a real mess to me.”

“Yeah I know...”

“Hmm... I'm not sure what to do.”

Danielle looked to her, wishing she didn't say that. Tropa always knew what to do when it came to Clock, hearing that made her heart sink even further.

“Well, the only thing I could think of is to go to the statue and hope They'll talk to you.”

Danielle nodded. She rose out of the water, Tropa following her. They both made their way to the large hill and started to climb. The fog seemed to clear more and more as they got closer to the statue. When they got to the top, they found something they wouldn't ever expect.

“What? Did you expect the Twin Gods?”

Tropa froze. Danielle stared at him.

Nero let out a laugh, “Oh please, the only thing you'll get out of them are vague secrets.”

Danielle shook her head, “Why are you here, Nero?”

He smiled, “Oh my dear, you sound like I shouldn't be. When, in all truths, I was meant to be here.”

Tropa whispered to Danielle, “Is that him?”

Danielle nodded.

Tropa looked forward again, “Thought so.” She slowly straightened up again, walking forward gingerly. Nero only stood there, curious to see what she would do. “Nero, is it?” She took a breath, “I want to tell you something.”

“Humor me.”

Tropa shuddered. “Is this really what you want? Do you really want to destroy us?”

Nero chuckled, which turned into a laugh that grew louder. “You fool.” He reared up and struck her down. “Trying to reason with God? To answer your petty question, yes, yes I do. Although, I won't destroy everyone. Just the ones who oppose me. So I would suggest you get your act together. Next time I won't be so gentle.”

Danielle lowered her antlers, “Leave Tropa alone!”
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Bright Eyes picture series (since you asked...)

i provided c: i didnt know id receive such good reception for it XD ill go in order including the one i already posted...

i posted 4 because it was the best TwT

EDIT;; OH NO i just found out that 1 and 6 isnt consistant! the moonbeams... LOL no wonder i didnt post them...
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The ~*deus*~ .D.I.A.B.O.L.U.S. - Chapter 4


They both stood there, staring at each other. Hollow, bleeding, and yellow, shredding. They knew the other was not a kind heart or a gentle soul. Though only one knew of the other's deeds.

“My name-” Never started.

“Is Nevermore. Yes, I know you quite well.” Nero's smile turned to a smirk. “You've done a rather nice job with your time here.”

“And how do you know of what I do?” Never tilted his massive head, tongue twitching anxiously. “Are you a stalker or something?”

Nero let out a delightfully dark laugh. “Knowledge can come to you in very strange ways. Though I won't bore you with the details.”

“Good, I'm already bored with this talk. Are you ready yet?” His black tongue convulsed, wrapping around itself again.

“I am always ready.” Nero challenged.

Never charged at the smaller deer. His fanged mouth opened wide to let the full extension of his putrid tongue reel out, then back. When the beast came close enough, he let his weapon swirl around its enemy's neck, ready to contract with bone-breaking force. As soon as it was ready, though, the other seemed to disappear in an instant. The tongue became tangled in itself, but it was an easy fix. Nero stood some five feet away from him.

“What the hell...?” He started.

Nero interrupted him with a chuckle, “Even the blackest souls can't withstand my power. I'm rather glad I met you. I've finally proven what I can do.”

Never tried again, disregarding what Nero said. It failed once more, the other was back to where he started.


Never rethought what he had just experienced. Something didn't make sense about Nero just appearing somewhere else. He trailed hoof prints, so he wasn't a spirit. There must have been a trick to it. He went over his memory. He knew something was off, but what? He searched every last detail, right down to the blades of grass.... Of course. So that's what it was.
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