After a long and unexpected hiatus...I, formerly known as Yngve, have returned to the forest!
I just wanted to say 'HI', and see whats new, if anything is, and see what everyone who feels like talking, is up to. And, I plan on making three deer, two human faced stags, and one deer faced doe. So I will post those pretties eventually!
I do not think I will actually PLAY the game, seeing as how due to a stupid action of mine, I have lost near half of the left side of my screen. So I do not think I can muster the gumption to play on small game window. IDK at this point. (I really miss the game, so I may get over myself.)
Also, Also,
I cannot remember the password of Yngve's account, so I will not be logging in on him, here. Maybe I never will, because I love the picto I got, and I want to show it off. Derp.