October 26, 2010 - 5:56pm — Atla
I forgot my password, so I changed the password. But when I try to log into the game, so to me it says "bad password". It probably does not belong here. But I was desperate. For a long time I played this game and lose so good "character". I do not want.
Thank you for your answer
April 11, 2009 - 10:31am — Atla
(sorry I´m don´t write in English language ,but I´m write in Czech language)
Jednoho dne jsem se pokusila v Endless Forest létat ,porád jsem nemohla prijít na to ,jak se nekdo dostane nad zem. A jednoho dne jsem zcela náhodou bežela sprintem z kopce a pri tom jsem skákala . Najednou jsem se ocitla nejaký metr od zem? (bereme-li jelena v životní velikosti). Našla jsem si teda vyší kopec a zase jsem se pustila do sprintu a skákání. Bylo mi dobre od srdce. Umím létat!
One day I tried to fly in the Endless Forest, I am unable to figure out how someone gets over the ground. And one day I happened to run full sprint from the hill while I dived. Suddenly I was an meter from the ground? (If taking a deer in the life-size). I found the amount teda hill again and I embarked on a sprint and jumping. I was good from the heart. I can fly!
fank you WonderfullySarcastic