EmmaJoycen's blog

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Day Among Friends 8D [Images]

Oh, yesterday was by far one of the best days I've had in the forest in a long time. Lately I haven't been able to really find many deer willing to handle a random mini-deer who likes just running in random circles and can't get enough of running through trees with that cool noise and blue fwuffy fog-looking stuff. x3 Yes, Adonis does that ....... a lot. And he laughs at everything. I don't know if any of you actually reading this do this, but I do. I talk and laugh to the computer and get weird looks from Mom when she looks in. XD I'm over here laughing and yelling for someone to come back, or Awwwwing when someone leaves....one question is this normal? Sticking out tongue

And now, for pictures. =3

This deer, I would loooove to know the name of, and who you are, because you were awesome! -clings- You're now one of mah mini besties! XD (And yes you will probably rue the day you met me. XD)

Hehe, we started a little dance thing.

Adonis would like to apologize if he scared this deer today, he only wanted you to join in the little group of deer he'd made. :'C

Um....I was doing this a lot; do you notice something odd about Quamars backside? X'D Epic Adonis. I'm sorry, I had to, so tempting. (Yes that IS a snout.)

Oh, my, goodness. This was soooo fun. It was me, Quammy, Ephra, and two deer who I don't know the names of. XD I would love to know who you are, because it was great fun. ^-^

Such a wonderful day in the forest. ^-^
EmmaJoycen's picture


Did Marona leave the site or something? I miss seeing her in the forest, and I haven't seen her around here lately. I don't use the support forums, so I wouldn't know if she's there. Just thought I'd ask. I don't seem to know anyone in the forest anymore....

Yes, I'm depressed, if I sound like it....
EmmaJoycen's picture

Birthday Party!

Ok, now I know I don't have any fancy poster banner thing here ^-^;; but my birthday is on Tuesday, and I am thinking about having a party. Not that many people care, but I figured eh, why not.

Time: 5:00 p.m. - U.S EST Time Zone Conversions (The closest place for the converter to me is USA - Virginia - Richmond)

Place: Great Oak probably go from there to the Crying Idol, those two never seem to get much company. XD

To Do: Um, there isn't really anything specific, we'll probably be dancing, having a conga line, maybe playing wave. Smiling

I'll be the mini-deer with the real deer mask and the key antlers, probably floating in the air near the oak. I hope to see a few people there! ^.^

EmmaJoycen's picture

To My Secret Santa

Well hi there. Laughing out loud If your here it must mean you are either my Secret Santa or a stalker, but anyway, let me continue without rambling...wait...that's not possible. XD

****EDIT: I have finally gotten an answer about sending/recieving gifts in the mail, and Yes, I can have them sent to me. Laughing out loud I'm sorry this took so long.

On to the good stuff..well, semi descriptive stuff:

1: ART: I adore Otters, any type of otter really, though I think river otters are easier to draw, if your an artsy person. Really any type of animal art is fine, I love most animals. Any fan-art of Adonis is appreciated. He's my only real character at the moment, and he only has...that little adorable little mini-version of him in my signature. Pretty sad, isn't it? I don't really mind, he's more of the deer you don't know who he is, but you just know he's fun. :3

2: OTHER: (because I don't know what else to label it as) I love to laugh, so if you happen to be a comical sort of person, a joke, a comic; anything silly is good in my book. Smiling Like I said before, otters rock in my opinion, so anything otter related is wonderful; I also like horses, and deer of course. Sticking out tongue Endless Forest-related items are of course lovely. I used to be a book-worm and still am if I find something I'm interested in, so any books you think are worth reading. I generally stick to fiction, fantasy really; I've gotten keen on science fiction now, but here's some books that I love so you can judge my tastes better: The Lord of the Rings, My Most Excellent Year, (I love that book sooo much, I recommend it to anyone & everyone.) The Edge Chronicles, Warriors, & Seekers.

Thank you so much for whoever gets me, because I'm so horrible at procrastinating and updating things. >.<

Much love,
EmmaJoycen's picture

Abio Question

Heh, since I couldn't manage to get to either of these Abios, though I did enjoy blowing bubbles, ^.^;;; is there generally one for Christmas/Hanukkah?
EmmaJoycen's picture

What's Going On?

I was in the forest, and there was a fawn of my pictogram and a plain deer with my pictogram, and there was a cluster of about four or five pictos stuck at the bottom. What's wrong? And why is no one responding to me in the Forest? Does anyone even have a clue as to what's going on?

EmmaJoycen's picture


Okay, I know half of you guys don't approve, and neither do I of spell data. But I keep losing my pelt repeatedly and it's a pain in the butt to be turned back into a mini-deer all the time. If anyone here either has the time to change me back, or perhaps give me spell-data, I'd really appreciate it. I'd prefer to be changed back rather than get spell data though....

EmmaJoycen's picture

Term of Absence (No, it's not permanent.)

Well, my dog just died, that I've had since I was six months old. She had to be put down because she had cancer of the liver and spleen. I don't even get to see her, so I don't really feel like going into the forest. Figured you guys had a right to know why Adonis won't be in the forest, at least not as often, until I get over this....

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[Laughter is the best medicine...] Adonis;; The Stooge

****Under Construction****
Attempting to actually edit CSS that Unplugged posted a while ago. XD If anyone has any tips, please let me know. [Especially about making his two lists of traits next to each other instead of staggered like they are. :/ ]
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