Do you perfer deer dead or alive? I rather have them alive. Luckily, im not that kind of mean person that kills deer for a sport. The fact? Ever since i saw graceful deer padding in the community by my house, i fell in love with nature. Thats what dragged me here, to a place where deer could live free.
To some of you, this game is nonsense deer that chnage colors and coats and antlers. But thats not what i think. When i found out that one of my friends from the neighbourhood hunted deer, bears and birds, i was shalked. I couldn't let him kill these deer for no reason! Why would he want to harm these beatiful creatures? It was my job to find out. So, i went hiking, looking for a deer. Luckily, i found one, a lovely young doe. No fawns that i ever saw. But it was a wonderful sight to see. These creatures were ok. Well, at least for now. And can't you belive that this all started with me love for graceful deer? Well i can!