BlackPhoenix's blog

The popular kids at school.

the popular kids at school
loving life
with their friends
we all remember
i want to be a popular kid!
you said
i want to be so popular!
i want to have all the friends in the world
be the one everyone talks about
i want the sun to revolce around me
laughing with my friends
and point at the kids who ain't so great
laugh at them
call them names
they're nothing but losers
nobody likes them
yes, i would love that life!
you said!
i would love that
instead of me being the kid
who the people pick on

you certainly got that life.

Guess the person

Hello! Many of you know me. I'm just using a different account. Try to guess who >}

That's right, i want you to choose a different account of yours and post here, but don't say who you really are. Just post something that has nothing to do with your main account name.

Try to chose an account that barely anyone knows about. That way it's almost impossible for someone to guess >}

... and... one day... I'll reveal who i am... but for now you'll all have to guess >}
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