Blackhoof's blog

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Frida Kahol's Deer

I run forever free
I run forever pinned to a page
By arrows of this sorrowing
World. I never shall be
Truly great. I'm caged
Within a box of pain
And shutters of a
Women's life. However
I furrow my brow in thought
I lack the antlers, thrust
And gait of Diego de
Rivera's work. Never mind.
I put my colors
On the page and there
Create a second life.
I run forever pinned to a page
I run forever free.

A lovely poem, and picture I'm sure some are
familiar with. I don't know who wrote this
poem, but its beautiful.
Blackhoof's picture

Don't you think...

... That this pic looks alot like how one of Leika's deer
would look like as human.

To me it dous, just a bit. Maybe it's the purple-ish hair?
Eh, just my opinion I suppose.

Here's a full body pic


This is actually a pic of a character from
a video game called Haunted Grounds, which
I'm sure some of you may know about ... maybe.
Blackhoof's picture

: P - Random Curiosity at it's best

I'm bord right now. And I found this
test yesterday, it's an animal totem quiz.
Suprizing what bordem can make you do.

Anywho, because of my human curiosity I want to
see what answers you get. My precentage
was pretty much tied between a Fox, and a Bull,
I was least likely to be a deer or crow (33 %)

Decided to put my lil info stuff up here.

Bull -"You are the Bull. You have courage through tough situations and the ability to be prosperous in those situations. You can never have too much as abundance is something you cherish."

Fox -"You are the Fox. You are quite intelligent and use it to your advantage. You are a diplomatic person and use that to help your friends in times of crisis, not choosing sides. You are also very patient, waiting for what you want."

Anywho, clicky the link down below if you'd like.

Quiz - Which animal totem best suits you?
Blackhoof's picture


I haven't been quite flamboyant these
past weeks have I? Theres no way to describe it without
it sounding like some meager rambeling I suppose. At
least that how I feel when I talk I suppose...

These past days I've seen a few of my old freinds a great deal.

Mainly Row, Darcy, and Wyvern. To be truthful I never knew
much about anything at first till a sudden realization came over me
about the situation with my three freinds.

I do my best to keep Wyvern and the rest of my freinds
happy if either are ever in a time of need, but I'm only
one deer. I can't make everyone in the forest happy,
even though I would like for it to be that way.

Besides I've hardly taken care of my self,
so I wouldn't even say I am utterly good at
healing any one elses wounds.


It's a shame that the gods will make
good times only to snatch them away
and make us try to remember as if where
toys. Even when others say other good
times will be in the making even if you don't
know it ... sometimes it's not that simple ...

Not that good times aren't here and now ... but still ...

... guh ... hear I go again ... mean less rambeling about
some other situation yet to even be delt with.

... I constantly remain to see why I chose to tape my mouth close ...
Blackhoof's picture

What's in there ...

What's in there?
A curios fawn asked
Is there some type of sceme
or evil trap?

Who's in there?
Some deer who's swallowed his

Who's watching?
With one eye focused on us?

Who's in there and do
they look somewhat like us?

No matter,
Says the one fawn with
no eyes in his head.

The pond is but a portal,
for the gone, and the dead.

Random rhymes X P Inspiration came form
this lil quote from the website

"First looks can be deceiving, however. As any jewel can quickly lead to
envy, greed, violence or madness, so does the pond hold a strange secret.
Or what to think of the source of the water: the eternal sadness of an ancient idol?
There's a strange look to the water, as if we're not seeing everything
that is supposed to be there..."
Blackhoof's picture

-Scratches floor-

Guh, I've been so lazy lately.

I haven't been in the forest for about 2 weeks in a half.
Which isn't that bad but still. Eh, oh well. I'm just
kinda buisy right now because of a new kitty cat I got
who just loves to have attention. He's like a tick, he
can't get enough of attention,
and mainly a couple of gift arts I've been working on...

...Should be done with the first one soon, it normally
takes me 3 to 2 days to get a pic done and scanned.
-_- as long as the computer dousn't freak ...

Hopefully I can play B.H.'s mom, never got a chance to play her ...
eh (something just poofed in head).

Anywho, I should be on more when the weekends come ...
maybe O.o

I guess this was kinda a waste of a post right > D
It's really just a reminder for myself really : P
Blackhoof's picture


Spirit type ? Apparition

Sex ? Female

Apearances ? She appears
rarely. Mainly around dawn/dusk, and night time. She
can only stand in mushroom circles, these are used as portals
to her other world. For us, when she may seem like she's walking in
circles, but to her she is reliving her life. She can excit the
portal and look around. But, to her our deer look like
monsters ... unless your wearing a certain mask. You
can walk into the circle, but to her you will still look like a monster
unless you are wearing a certain mask.

Forms ? She will often apear
as a fawn. However, if she dous choose to take the form of a
stag she will remain stiff and won't move. When a fawn she
looks like she has no eyes, but for some others she may
seem to have them still in there

Pictogram ? She dousn't have one.
So really she has to possess anyone of my deer.

Whispers of a song

Blackhoof's picture

Thinner I

What ever god is out there. I know I have sined. And I know it isn't
right to ask you to help me to fufill a sin.
now, I'm asking you for one favor ...

Don't let me disapear yet...

... not until I see him ...

... don't let me die yet...


Clementine's story

Subdued into this low state of emergency was unhealthy for

Question was when would it end?

It has been months, days, years, seens I've seen the sun. And yet...

What douse it matter, I don't even remember its apperance. All I remember
is light.

This is my home now, darkness and insecurity, not sure If the same thing beside you
is your kind. All you can feel is skin, and darkness. Yes, darkness it's so thick
it thins the skin on you, making you vulnerable to every touch.

This place was my home, so long ago...

I can see it, can you? A wide open vally, trees surrounding
the borders of the mountains. We where happy creatures.
Both beautiful inside and out. I had a merry childhood.

Now... as you may know... things always change.
They always change, even when you try so hard to preserve
what you got.

Something came that day... what it was we never know...

But the clouds no longer were puff balls of dreams, but
of nightmares.

... and if you looked...

.. if you dared to...

... you would see the most harrowing sight that any creature could look upon...
Blackhoof's picture

New Year special

YAY, for new years xp

YAY, so since it's new years I'll draw some pics for you peeps,
of your deer.

There's 3 slots

1.) Seed
2.) Uio
3.) Adel

Each pic will be drawn and outlined in colored ink and color
pencils. If you can, please post a *BIO or PIC of your deer.

And cheers, to forest!
Blackhoof's picture

Bye ppls

Leaving to go home on friday,
staying for at least, I think maybe two or one
week I don't know.

see ya when I see ya.
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