In case you don't know, Bitstrips is an app (for iPhone, Facebook, etc.) that automatically generates comic strips using cartoon avatars of you and your Facebook friends. The comics can be slightly edited within the app, but you mainly just get what you see.
I was browsing through some of the new comics the other day, when this one caught my eye. It reminded me of TEF, so I just had to share. I added the speech bubbles to this one, but the caption at the bottom is what it originally said.
explanation: JefferyJedi is my boyfriend who thinks I'm addicted to TEF (which, I guess I sort of am). I've tried to get him to play TEF with me, but he isn't into roleplaying games... unless it's D&D or there are super heroes involved. To be honest, it's probably the peaceful (aka "boring") nature of the Forest that doesn't hold his interest; he's more into action/adventure sorts of things. *shrugs* But anyway, I can totally imagine this happening in real life, because I'm also a furry, and every time we're together and Jedi notices me looking at a deer, he knows I'm thinking of TEF and rolls his eyes (in a good-natured sort of way; don't think he's some kind of jerk just because he doesn't understand my fandom). xP
.: I-I can't...X'''D Oh my
I actually did something
@Nothing2FEAR OMGLOL!!! xD
Pshh naw I think they're
.: That one made my day.