Battling Demons

Kumiko's picture
I original tried drawing a sketch of this concept, but the longer I worked on it, the more I grew to hate it. I'm not much of an artist and with such limited art supplies...I just gave up on it.

So, I decided to try making it on my PC. However, I don't have any art programs and I'm not talented enough to do much with artPAD. The only thing I had left was MS Paint. So guess what I did!?

Yeah, there's the MS paint version of Kumiko and her demons. Each one represents something that is bothering her:

Red- Love and passion
Blue- Sadness
Black- Uncertainty
Hero's picture

Wow this is extremely good

Wow this is extremely good for MS paint. I like how the pictogram is a necklace. <3
Aww shoo little demons you're making her cry! :c