Among the Stars

On a clear night, if you look hard enough, you can see a tiny fawn dancing amongst the stars.

Hoshiko was a small fawn, nightfall blue like her mother, with pale gray markings and striking blue eyes. She never stepped foot in the forest, her chance having been taken away from her by a violent attack on her mother in the spring of 2010. She is but a wayward spirit, occasionally seen on rainy or dark days.

She cannot speak and may or may not attempt to communicate with other deer. She is most often found by her grave marker, a small stone not far from her father's altar.

This entry serves as a tribute to Hoshiko. While she cannot and will not reply for obvious reasons, family members and those affected by her existence are more than welcome to share their thoughts and use this profile as a means of communication with the little fallen star.

Phaios's picture

Phai had been surprised to

Phai had been surprised to find that there was a fawn staring at her when she opened her eyes.
Even more startling was which fawn.
She speaks softly while they sit, as though the slightest sound might send the little thing scattering among the stars again. "There are no ghosts where I come from... But I can't say that I am surprised to find one here. You look so much like her."

Needless to say, the invitation to play is readily accepted, and the later farewell is bittersweet.

"I wish I knew what to call you," she murmurs as the fawn races back towards the ruins.

[Edit: I claim this page in the name of... ahm... bacon!]
Snowsauria's picture

Seeing the ghost fawn before

Seeing the ghost fawn before her filled Illrose with mixed feelings. Honor, for being visited, and sadness because obviously the fawn had passed way too early, just like her own son Blue Boy. And as she would play with him when his ghost visited, she would play with this fawn. It was obvious who the mother of the fawn was, not only because of the colors, but because Illrose remembered having seen Kaoori standing by this grave so many times. She had known about the child buried there, but she had never known the cause of it's death, or who it really was. No one had told her. But now...perhaps she would pay visits to that grave now as well. It only felt right, after having met the ghost the grave belonged to.
"Until next time, little one." She said as she had to leave, hoping she would get the opportunity to play with the ghost fawn once again.

( ♥ )
Clare's picture

Hello, Hoshiko.. The

Hello, Hoshiko..

The serpentine doe dropped a bundle of multicolored feathers next to the tiny grave, and to make sure they stayed, she gently placed a rock over them. Leviathann would then fold her legs under her, and tuck her head against her chest. Long minutes passed before she finally rose, and turned to leave. But not before she rubbed the edge of her skull along the side of the grave, and let her warm breath dislodge any dust forming.

Then she was gone, the feathers the only sign of her visit.
Kaoori's picture

"Two years, my little star..

"Two years, my little star.. but you're still in my heart."
Kaoori's picture

Winter had fallen upon the

Winter had fallen upon the forest, and with it came snow. It had gone on for a few days now, a soft, wet, cold blanket falling upon the floor of the forest.
The little blue doe made her way to the ruins to a certain marker she and her family were known to often visit, carrying something green in her mouth. Busying herself with scraping away the snow from the small grave, she tidied the area up so she could sit comfortably while taking care of the little area. When she was satisfied, She placed the item she had in her mouth- a sprig of holly- upon the marker and lay beside it, as she was often seen doing. As the snow fell around her, the tiny doe napped, a peaceful moment where she kept her daughter company.
Graveyard's picture

It had been so long... a very

It had been so long... a very long time since the tyrant and giant monstrous stag had been seen in the forest. His appearance seeming to suddenly come out of thin air as the blue shaggy beast slowly making his way towards the Ruins and more specifically the tiny gravemarker that was there. Carefully he would circle around it before laying that giant form down beside it, thick and heavy mass of winter fur splaying out around him as he looked down at the grave. Would the tiny spirit remember him? Know him even? He didn't care either way, but he'd felt so grown and accustomed to paying a visit whenever he could and paying his respects when he could. After all, Nightmare tended to his mother's grave he could do the same for Karooi's child.

One of those large ears flicked out from behind a feather as he turned his attention to a side, before snorting and shaking his head then laying it slowly down on the ground beside the grave. He would spend the day with little Hoshiko.

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"
din's picture

retrack for my little star

retrack for my little star
Kaoori's picture

"You would have been three

"You would have been three this year, my little star. How time passes.
Do you like what your father and I brought for you? The flowers are pretty this year..

..we love you. Always."
Zergarikiaka's picture

(ffff... How have I never

(ffff... How have I never seen this before?)

For such a large doe, her step was soft and gentle. After centruries as a ghost, she knew every bump and obsticle around the ruins, and would've been able to manuver her way to the tiny grave in her sleep. Bowing her head deeply, she maintains a soft smile. Ghostly blue eyes could still percieve the spirits around the forest, especially the ruins. Certainly they did not miss the sight of the little star. Placing a few poppies at the grave just as so many had left at her own in past days, Laghodessa stands upright again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I know I haven't been able to play with you and the other fawn spirits lately. It may be a while yet, but please don't ever think I've forgotten you. I'll come back to tell you stories and play games again sometime soon. I hope you like the flowers. They were always a comfort to me, and perhaps they will be to you as well."

With another, lighter bow, the large doe headed off on her way.
Clare's picture

Upon seeing off her former

Upon seeing off her former company, the serpent would drop her head and her voice,

"It's been long.. too long.


You've been looking after your mother, I hope? Of course you have. How silly of me.


Your marker is collecting some dust, I see.. Let's take care of that, shall we?


There. All done.


I'll come see you again. That's a promise.

Be safe, stardancer."

The antlered hind fades into the distance, leaving only a few poppies, a plump pear and a vague scent trail in her wake.
Kaoori's picture

"Hello, Hoshi. The snow is

"Hello, Hoshi. The snow is coming soon. Sometimes I think you would have liked to play in it. "

The shika brushed some stray leaves from the stone.

"Or maybe you're already having fun up there in the snow with your cousins, before it falls to us."

Kaoori settled down, curling her legs underneath her for an afternoon rest, as she often did in this spot. Her family often frequented this place.
Verdalas's picture

The large stag, oblivious to

The large stag, oblivious to the onlooker, shifts his weight and nudges the collection of purple flowers further onto the grave. "No matter how many times I've said it was an accident, no matter how often I regret what I did, I have every right to keep begging forgiveness from the innocent life I took away. I am so, so sorry, little one."
Kaoori's picture

"We will always love you."

"We will always love you."
Kaoori's picture

A small branch of blossoming

A small branch of blossoming cherry blossoms from her tree and a small bouquet of poppies were placed at the grave. The child would be four this year. Moss was taken off the small stone and the area tidied.

Kaoori stayed for a while, as was her custom. Then quietly, she left.
Kaoori's picture

The tiny blue shika arrived

The tiny blue shika arrived at the small marker, brushing the newly grown moss off with her muzzle. She dusted away some fallen leaves off the grave with her hooves, then settled down on top with a tiny sigh. It had grown cold, so the hind had tried to find other warmer places to sleep, but she stopped by here and she would stop by again to visit, just as she had done so so many times before. She scented family around the marker; knew they had stopped by as well, just to say hello. She smiled at the fact. She was grateful for so many loved ones around, her thriving family and her grown, beautiful children. Even so, as time went on and the years passed, she would still visit here, they would still visit here.

Hoshiko would never be forgotten, and it warmed her heart to know.

!!! Confused Amary is

Confused Amary is confused.
Silverfang's picture

swore i tracked this...

swore i tracked this... ♥