Adaj/Concept Idea

Aussie Devourer of Cookies's picture
I was bored and was just fiddling around with learning how to draw deers, (And testing my efforts on my own deer Adaj, who probably hates me right now. xD) when it developed into a sort of story sketch. Mixed with a deer concept... idea... thing. I'm thinking i'll do a sort of line of this concept I had for an Extra Terrestial design. Hence the creation of the other deer in this pic. Or you could call it a Universe Concept or something. I'm really not sure, this is me running on 6 cans of Coke, 3 candy bars, 4 hours of sleep, and at 2 in the morning. So my mind is in a rut, hidden beneath moldy cornflakes, and last months issue of National Geographic.

Anyway, the story of this sketch/doodle, is that Adaj thinks of himself as a sort of guardian (Although his attention span is that of 3 day old cheese), and once upon a time he had this dream about a strange deer. Normally he would have brushed it off, but he could of swore the next day, he saw it again. It wore the strangest mask, and it's antlers looked as though they were from another dimension. Sometimes he still has those strange dreams, and they feel so real, yet so... alien.

And there you have it. I have no coloring system on my computer, nor do I have any skill with copic marker, crayon, or colored pencil, to save a drowning fish. So, i'll only be able to pour upon you my bored, crummy little doodles. Either way, I hope you enjoy this little sketch.

The other deer is just a face and mask concept idea, I may or may not work on a pelt design later... or tonight, depending on how much more caffeine I can flood into my system before I explode.

I used the editing system on my computer to make the sketch slightly more interesting.

!Lots of Love!
Inuyasha1141's picture

PRETTY!! I love the idea of

PRETTY!! I love the idea of signiture in the wolf paw
Never seen eyes glowing green
howls at night giving people their worst fright and fears
Gardian and leader of the Black Bloods
I am Swiftkil

Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!

Clicky on him to see my other pets