
DisRabbit's picture
Geon had a nice time hanging out with Artemis!
Although he slept most of the time lmao

And yes! He looks like that! I can't believe I never posted how he looked like.
Actually... I can because I procrastinate a lot...

But yeah
This is a very rough sketch but I wanted to draw Geon hanging with her ^^
((don't mind the questionable anatomy haha))

Artemis (c) WildflowerDeer
Geon (c) Me
Saset's picture

Gorgeous ^^ both cute

Gorgeous ^^ both cute Eye
Wyldflower's picture

*Flops on the

*Flops on the ground*
aaaAAHHH thank you so so much!! ;A; They're adorable!
And your anatomy's great, honestly I can never draw deer lying down, they just look so awkward when I try to, I'd say you've nailed it perfectly ^w^

Geon is too precious, look at him being all sleepy over there. I can't handle all the cuteness XD

By Draak ♥

Rabbit-art? Rabbit-art!!

Rabbit-art? Rabbit-art!! *jumps for joy!*

I really enjoy your style, it has this playful quality to it. Looking at it makes me think you had fun drawing it Smiling
It's also very nice to see how you shaped their bodies. Theyre nicely proportional and your lines are so smoothe whiiiiich tells me you may have been also relaxed when drawing this?? *gasp* how nice!
DisRabbit's picture

@Saset ;v; Aaaa thank you

;v; Aaaa thank you <3

//screams into the oblivion//
thank you and you're welcome aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

//lies down//
I-I can't handle all this niceness ;;
thank youuu //wheezes//
back into the groove baby