November 25, 2011 - 7:47pm — LokiTheFawn
Loki is a Fawn that is very, hmm.. very Outgoing i guess you chould say.She Always Wears Purple Flowers on her head at all times, unless she went for a swim in the pond! You can find her near the Pond, cause she likes to swim.Or at The PlayGround, for practicing Jumping over things.Her Mother and Father abandoned her at the Big Oak, and perfers not to go there at all costs, or it'll bring back bad memories.All she remebers from her Past is that her mother was ALL white with a skull mask, and her father was Black and Yellow also with a Skull Mask.She Thinks that they were disappointed she didnt look like them at all, cuz she looks liked a regular doe.She'll be happy to join in anyones travels, but dont think she'll stay forever!