You would not believe the day I just had...

phantomhelsing's picture
I promised myself I'd try to avoid posting vents or ranty things, because I remember in highschool when I as first on this site as a very angsty teenager I had I bad habit of being kinda whiny, and that's not who I am anymore.

But holy ****

I just need to make a tiny exception because I'm so utterly baffled I need to make sure I'm not a crazy person.

alright so a little backstory:

Back in October I lost my house very suddenly and had to move last minute and the only viable option really was my best friend's house a few states away. Now I've known my best friend since I was 14, for about 12 years, and sshe has a boyfriend now which I was cool with I'd met him before and it was fun hanging out with him so no problem. Everything was fine until a little bit after Christmas.

I began to find out he was a very friendly and clingy person and very touchy feely. Like physically touchy feely. As in one of those people that insists everyone likes hugs all the time no matter the situation. And because I live here now that apparently means no boundaries and I can be physically bothered and manhandled in my own bed and just not left alone ever, I always have to be available to entertain him.

I decided I wasn't ok with that and said I needed some boundaries and he seemed to get it.

Then the texts started. He would start to whine at me in text about how he just wanted it to be the way things were before and for it to be ok again and basically implying I was mad at him and was cold shouldering him. And I'm like no, I'm not I just said not to touch me and let me have space.

And then it would stop for a bit, and then he'd be at me again acting all pouty and like I was being unreasonable. And so then I had to metaphorically hold his hand and walk him through how some people are what's called introverts, they don't like to spend a bunch of time around people because it exhausts them, they need lots of personal space and private time but when they're rested they'll pop back and pick up where they left off. And that SEEMED to work. I thought it was over.

Then fast forward to this morning. I'm in bed trying to rest a little more because I frequently have sleep issues, I have anxiety problems and my one friend suspects depression and I'm not sure but whatever is going on it's caused a fair share of rough nights. But even without all that, NORMAL PEOPLE usually expect for someone who is not their partner or family to leave them alone in their own bed. It was fine at first he just asked me if I wanted some coffee and I'm like sure, then I think he tried to pull me into a hug but I resisted because duh I'm in bed and I've said over and over do not touch me. Then he asked repeatedly for a hug and I denied him. And let me make this clear: I have never physically retaliated, never raised my voice, never argued or started a fight through this whole months long ordeal, I've always calmly talked my way through it.

And I continued as normal when I got up, I went upstairs to fix coffee and get food, talked to him a bit about what game he was playing and being friendly and he eventually leaves for work. Then not long after he leaves, the texts start. Just out of left field just AT me and it basically said that "I'm too hard to deal with so he's not going to bother anymore" and while I was trying to process what was just thrown at me I get another one saying "not trying to be rude just saying where I'm coming from"
and then that made me mad.

You don't just tell someone they're "too moody and I don't want to play guessing games about when it's ok to interact with you" and then go "no offense though". No that's not how this goes.

Now because this is already long enough and this texting back and forth has been going on for ohhhh about 4 or 5 hours, I'm going to sum up what basically happened because it was a pretty circular conversation. I say conversation as if he listened to anything I said hah. But essentially after he kept saying that he couldn't figure me out and he wasn't going to bother playing games to do so, which wow how am I not supposed to be offended at being accused of being that manipulative, I told him that that is not what was happening I've set very reasonable boundaries that normal people have and I don't have to justify that he then acts like I'm being unreasonable, telling me to "let my guard down "to see his side" and jesus why would I NOT put up my guard at this moment? Of course I'm going to fight back if you push me I'm not a doormat, and I of course see his side I just see it as INSANE because I said "no" to being hugged. I told him he was being very butthurt about being told no and he immediately got offended "oh I'm not butthurt"

YOU came to me being passive aggressive even if you thought you weren't, YOU came to me to make this a problem. Someone who isn't butthurt does't do that.

Then this is where it gets better.

I told him he was being silly, so I then get accused of
-having no empathy
-being unreasonable
-being too angry
- "I just want you to see my side, which you seem incapable of"
- can't get close to anyone
- hurting my best friend (which later turned out to be a lie)
-basically being a big ol mean person who snubs people

I was more baffled than angry before, but now I am LIVID. He tried to justify himself by saying that I gave hugs before ad I'm like are you nuts that has nothing to do with anything, someone could give a million hugs and then one day decide to say no, that's not unreasonable.

So after I'm all good and worked up he leads into how I don't think about how my actions have consequences and it's not just how I don't always want to play games or give hugs I'm just always stand-offish and that hurts people and I refuse to see that. And then condescends to me.

"Do you understand so we can move on?"
"Do you understand?"

NO you can absolutely fuck right the hell off. You do not get to talk to me like I'm a misbehaving child.

Let me reiterate, this all started because I said I didn't want to be touched and that I sometimes need to hang out by myself, then because I refused a hug. He started this nonsense today because I REFUSED A HUG, and then talks to me like I'm a child.

No that is not happening.

He also told me that I made my best friend, his girlfriend, upset because the other day while we were playing a game I got sick to my stomach and had to leave and I just didn't come back up because I wanted to be near my bathroom in case I got sick again, he said that because I didn't come back my best friend of 14 years who's known what I'm like for forever, told him she felt "used"

So after that I had to give up and I was frantically texting my other friend at her work to ask if when she had a break she could call me because I'm a mess and I need help and she said yes, but you NEED to call your parents first, which I've been reluctant to do because I'm trying hard to put on a brave face and not worry them but enough was enough. So I went, crying my heart out and I called my dad and turns out both of my parents were in the same room to talk to me. I explained everything to them and they reassured me that I was upset because I worry so much about hurting other people and I hate for anyone to be upset with me because I try so hard to be nice to everyone and fix my mistakes and that it wasn't me it was him and that they were there to help me and I don't ever have to feel like I'm trapped somewhere and it made me feel so much better, I felt more encouraged to confront my best friend when she got home.

Which I did, and when I told her that I apparently hurt her too she was like "What? I NEVER said that" so THAT'S interesting.
I also showed her all the texts and she told me he had no idea that any of this was going on and that she'd talk to him. Which she did. But he just told her the same things he'd been saying all day.

So what I've learned is that he is very determined to be the victim here and act like he's in the right and doesn't like that I have boundaries. I will probably have to talk to him when he gets back home in a bit but now I'm going to hold my ground. If he doesn't want to budge and still insists that I'm a terrible person for having problems then it's just going to be his problem. I have too much to deal with in my life, that I'm trying to fix, and this petty nonsense doesn't help.

I'm really sorry to ramble on about all this I just...I have NEVER ever in my life come across this problem, no one else has had a problem with who I am as a person, no one has ever felt so entitled to my attention and gotten upset at me for it, and I have no clue how to deal with it beyond what I've already done. Like yes I'm a private person, but I explained that, nicely. I've said I like my space and don't like touching. I've been nice and friendly and I do actually consciously make an effort to talk semi-regularly and hang out, I have never raised my voice or physically retaliated. I jut defended my boundaries when they were crossed, that's all I'm guilty of.

I'm exhausted.

(again, all this...over a HUG, WHAT?)

Quote:...because I live here

...because I live here now that apparently means no boundaries and I can be physically bothered and manhandled in my own bed and just not left alone ever...
...he just asked me if I wanted some coffee and I'm like sure, then I think he tried to pull me into a hug but I resisted because duh I'm in bed...

How you have gone without managing to assault this guy is beyond me. That behavior is not normal and I'm glad that you talked to your friend about his behavior.
Phew.. damn.. Reading that made me feel uncomfortable with you. Godspeed, Cato :'|
Bayleen's picture

Dude, that is some shit. I

Dude, that is some shit. I think you have every right to feel frustrated and upset-- If I were treated that way, I would be to.
Some people just don't get it, and it certainly sounds like he's dealing with his own issues on his side. But I've certainly been on the receiving end of something like this and it sure ain't fun.
I'm glad you were able to get the support of your parents and friend. I hope it all comes to some kind of peaceful conclusion after that storm.

Sometimes it helps to just rant it out, and I'm glad you did. Hope the bs ends soon for you.
Kaoori's picture

^ what Fishy said. I'm not a

^ what Fishy said. I'm not a fan of the touchy and that just.. no.
phantomhelsing's picture

I really appreciate you guys

I really appreciate you guys <3

Fish - yeah I'm just...a chronically nice person, it's both a strength an a weakness because sometimes I let people take advantage of me. I just don't like conflict at all so when it comes up I try to dissipate it asap even if I have to hide my own anger to do so, sometimes it's just not worth my anger |D

I can be insanely patient but all my buttons got pushed today haha
Aivilo's picture

Good gosh, some people. It's

Good gosh, some people. It's definitely his problem. You have been beyond rational and polite in the actions you've described here. Hold that boundary! If you let him win here he'll just keep pushing.
I'd even add another tactic - give him a final notice, "I have had this discussion with you several times before, and I am not going to discuss it again. If you do not let it go, I am going to leave when you bring it up."
And STICK TO IT. You don't have to give him your attention (negative attention is still feeding him attention!). Calmly remind him you have already given your final word on the matter, and peace out, yo. Lock your bedroom door, silence his texts, whatever it takes. This nut is not worth your worrying over.
Try not to let him get between you and your friend (thank goodness she has your back - hopefully she can rein him in), but do whatever you have to do to keep yourself sane and safe.

Best wishes

Very sound advice from Aivilo

Very sound advice from Aivilo *nod nod* It might be really hard to do, but this guy is persistent in a really gross way.
phantomhelsing's picture

Aivilo - Yeah right? lol It's

Aivilo - Yeah right? lol It's insane. Unfortunately I can't lock my door because...I don't have one |D I live in the basement because it has the most room for me and my 2 cats, and the laundry room is down here so it's kind of all open and there's almost daily traffic to the laundry. I was just a silly person and thought people would know that half of it is my space and to respect it, silly me I guess XDD
Aivilo's picture

Bathroom? : D Or straight up

Bathroom? : D

Or straight up leave the house. Go for a walk.
phantomhelsing's picture

Yeah sometimes I go into the

Yeah sometimes I go into the bathroom and pretend to be doing something haha I might be able to pull off a walk if I can remember where the park is hidden in this neighborhood, the other direction is a busy road and I'm not THAT desperate lol

LUCKILY my other friend invited me to her house for awhile in about 2 weeks, and then hen I get back my roommates will be going on THEIR vacation. 2 whole weeks of freedom for me. It just can't come fast enough haha

Jfc what a creep.. This isn't

Jfc what a creep.. This isn't just you being introverted and not liking hugs. This guy is being very creepy insisting on hugging you when it's very clearly making you uncomfortable.. There is nothing wrong with your reactions here. It is his behavior that is wrong.

I used to know someone like this when I was in highschool. The guy would always insist on hugging me and his excuse was "that's just how I am". If I could do anything differently back then, I would've firmly told him that he was making me extremely uncomfortable and he needed to stop it. Tell him he was being creepy, and not risk my safety for the sake of being polite towards him.

If the guy was doing this to you in public, make a scene. Other people will catch on that he's being a creep, he will begin to feel uncomfortable, other people will have your back. You never ever have to say "yes" to anyone doing this to you. Make eye contact w the people near by, let them know there is a sense of urgency bc you don't want people like this following you around lol.

I'm very glad your friend and other people are aware of his creepy behavior. If I were you or your friend, I would no longer make any contact w this guy. He's a creep.

Sorry if this was written very hastily, but this pissed me off and I wanted to say something.
phantomhelsing's picture

Thanks for writing it anyways

Thanks for writing it anyways <3

yeah I'm not budging on this now. Like the most frustrating part is that I can tell without a doubt he's not trying anything, he's just phenomenally stupid and ignorant. Which isn't much better and kinda makes it harder to deal with @-@

But my friends and my parents know, so I know I have backup hen I need it and someone can come get me if I really need out of here.

Just oh my lord I have the worst track record with roommates.
Fun story: in college one of my roommates did crack off my stuff. And stole some of my PS2 accessories.
This has upset me more than crack-roommate, this is a new low |D
phantomhelsing's picture

Update: Now he's taken to


Now he's taken to just completely ignoring me, which is fine by me, someone not willing to take the time to make friends with me and instead acts really pushy and entitled to my affection while crossing every boundary is not worth my grief.

Just wanted to say I'm safe and I'm doing better because I have amazing friends irl as well as here and I appreciate all of you very much <3

I think he did make me sick though because he brought a cold home and hugged me when I said "no I don't want your germs", I've had a scratchy throat all day >n>
Chromai's picture

Oh wow. I really feel for

Oh wow. I really feel for you. I hate hate HATE people hugging or touching me without warning. I second Fishy in the "how have you lasted so long" department ;; I'd've definitely lashed out by now, yikes. He seems to be rather spoiled and thinks that he is entitled to as much affection as he desires...
CydaLuva83's picture

Reminds me of a guy at my old

Reminds me of a guy at my old school. He would walk up to random people with arms outstretched wanting a hug. :c
I feel for you, though I have no words of advice to offer (I would have probably gone the route of tearing him a new asshole by now, which is frowned upon in many places).
Glad you're okay, let us know how things go?
Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

I'm glad you're doing better,

I'm glad you're doing better, and that he's backed off. He has no right to hugs from anyone.

I would keep in touch with your friend as to how his behavior progresses from this point, though. Keep her aware. Because if he's sulking or stewing on it, he may come back again or do something else, as a means of getting back at you for 'neglecting' him, or something along those lines. Keep your friend close to you as far as anything out of the ordinary, even if it's just a "He's been keeping a distance from me, *insert your thoughts*." Like, legit keep her in the circle, just in case.
phantomhelsing's picture

man i was going to assure you

man i was going to assure you that I'm fine and not scared or anything just mad, but now I'm PISSED lol

I decided i was going to turn in early because that ass got me sick and i did my normal routine of shutting my lamp off and closing my computer down for the night, so he chooses THAT exact moment to get laundry.

So he flipped on the big overhead light. Like a petty bastard.

And then texts me. basically saying he thinks it's a coincidence i did that but that all that text was "was saying i'm not going to bother somebody who doesn't want to be bothered. Relax."

then just don't bother me genius, that doesn't require an announcement. You wanted me to take pity on you and say sorry is what you wanted. And that "relax" at the end is what gets me angry. He does this when he talks to people and tries to look like the one in control, says condescending things like "relax" or "chill" after he says something to rile you up. The pompous attitude is what makes me mad. That and he's still acting like he's done nothing wrong.

UGHHHHHH all i wanted was to go to bed but his incessant nonsense has me all worked up and now I'll be up most of the night. Like why is it I always get into it with people that get mad at me for reacting to their bs and then don't want to take any responsibility? Like seriously are you five?
phantomhelsing's picture

sorry if I'm spamming with

sorry if I'm spamming with updates but he just keeps HANDING it to me it's like he WANTS there to be trouble

So turns out he's been complaining about me to his friends, but he just accidentally SENT ALL OF THE TEXTS TO ME.

And then promptly tried to backpedal and was telling me to delete them and just forget about it he has a right to vent, etc

he was spouting lies left and right so hard I thought he was planning to be a politician.

boy you dug your grave, now get comfy in it.
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

He totally wants you to be

He totally wants you to be the bad guy, to give him anything he can use to make himself the victim. jfc He would have been decked ten times over if it was anyone but you and your saintly ways.

Damn right, keep those texts!

Damn right, keep those texts! If you want to take it one step further in the amount of receipts you have, you can start logging all the annoying things that he does, how you react to them, how he responds, etc. Even if you don't feel like pursuing legal action down the road or it do sent escalate to that, you can always scare the ever-loving crap out of him by letting him know that you are angry and driven enough to go to those lengths.

idk how good of advice it might be, but I did something similar with a roommate who stopped paying his rent and the result was he moved out to live with his dad in another state. The whole thing was hilarious and amazing to witness but I can share that another time.
Bayleen's picture

Wow, that guy sounds pretty

Wow, that guy sounds pretty dense af. And seconding Fish, definitely keep those texts, because as he's shown in his behavior, he just wants to get every one against you.
I have no idea how you wouldn't completely go off on this guy after everything that's happened, but power to you.
Reyy's picture

That's extremely

That's extremely inappropriate behavior, and the fact that your best friend wasn't aware of his actions makes it even more shady. I kind of get the idea like he's trying to make moves on you and mask it as being friendly or affectionate or some shit. Really he has other intentions.
Tbh he seems desperate for your attention whether it's bad or good, so maybe don't give him any because so far everything you've said or done gets relayed/ exploited over to his friends.
Right now you have nowhere else to go and no other alternatives, so just block his number and let him have his hissy fits. The guy's a narcissist.
If it gets worse, look him dead in the face and say you have enough text messages to file for sexual harassment and convince your best friend he's cheating on her.
phantomhelsing's picture

New update, after he sent me

New update, after he sent me texts for someone else I called my parents to show them and get more advice and they want to get me out of here, they didn't like this nonsense at all and I was starting to agree with them. And we agreed I'd talk to my friend before we moved ahead with anything. But like right before I went to talk with her he starts sending me aggressive messages.

He called me a coward for going to talk to "his woman" and that I was almost 30 and I needed to start acting like it and grow up. And then telling me to not touch his stuff or anything and just being an ass. So I showed my friend and she's still on my side and was very upset I went through that and she assured me we'd be friends forever and that this wasn't my fault. And her and my mom talked for a bit to sort of stay in the loop. And she encouraged me to spend the weekend at my aunt's house and she'd let me know what was up after she talked to him. So I'm at my aunts right now and it looks like I'll be moving almost immediately.

He recently texted me a half-assed apology that still tried to make himself look like the victim so I just haven't responded. I'm so messed up right now I just want to escape.
Reyy's picture

Of course he wouldn't want

Of course he wouldn't want his girlfriend to know he's texting/ being aggressive with/ trying to make moves on another woman. And of course he's self-projecting onto you to make himself not look like the real coward/ make you look nuts. He's sick in the head.
I'm so glad you're getting out of there. I hope your friend is careful with him...
Aivilo's picture

^ Seconding that. Hopefully

^ Seconding that.
Hopefully your friend finds this a wake-up call to her beau's true colors. What a creep.
phantomhelsing's picture

Gosh you guys are amazingly

Gosh you guys are amazingly supportive <3

Yeah my friend and I sort of came to an agreement that I need to leave to get better, even if both of us are upset by it. She was so kind and understanding and reassuring I don't know what I'd do without her and I'm more upset that this has affected her now more than anything. She's like my family. And I kinda had a goodbye with her a little while ago and it's hard.

I'm also upset because I'm not the type of person that likes to burn bridges. I gathered some of you already noticed I'm insanely patient lol that and mercy and forgiveness are some of my driving forces and sometimes they're good and other times they're bad. Kind of bad right now because I'm legitimately upset about cutting ties without reconciliation and losing someone I thought was s friend, but I can't live somewhere where I either have to be uncomfortable or now completely ignored. Everyone I've talked to has said that would be a bad idea and it's time to move on.

I don't plan on going back to get my stuff and my cats without my dad or another family member with me.

This is going to stick with me awhile, especially what he said to me today and I'll probably lapse into believing it for a bit, but I'm hoping my friends and family and you guys, and being able to rp and post Atiq's stories on here will help me find something to forget and move on and be productive and create things I love again.

And I'll never stop saying it but you guys truly are the best for worrying about me and just trying to make sure I'm ok. Having so many people at my back is really encouraging and I don't know what I'd do without you all either <333
CydaLuva83's picture

If you need RP as an

If you need RP as an escape/coping mechanism, my skype/discord is always open, as well as any of my blogs. (cydaluva83, #2797)
Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst
Reyy's picture

I've dealt with a couple

I've dealt with a couple people like him before and they're the worst. Narcissists are master manipulators, and unfortunately they love and prey on empaths because intuitive, sensitive people are patient and considerate of others (sometimes too much for their own good).
Don't believe a word he says, it's what he wants; to have a long-lasting, negative impact on you and your life, to manipulate you into believing everything he said about you is the truth. But it's not.
I know its easier said than done, but let it go in one ear and out the other. :/

Feel free to reach out if needed, btw:

Also want to add here if anyone is going through something similar and is in need of support, feel free to contact me as well. You don't have to go through it alone.
Bayleen's picture

I can only imagine how

I can only imagine how difficult and exhausting this situation must be, and certainly worsened to the point of you having to now move out and say goodbye to your good friend.
I agree with everyone else that leaving is the healthiest for you. You certainly don't deserve to be treated so poorly after the kindness and patience you've shown that guy. I'm so sorry for the bullshit you've gone through. Don't believe for a second that anything he's bitched about is true. I know how easy it is to believe his words, but I believe you have the strength to overcome that. You've given him more than enough leniency throughout all of this, and it is completely his problem that he's been so blind.

I'm so glad you got so much support, not only on the community but in real life. Sending my best to you. ♥
Feel free to contact me to vent, rp, and whatnot through skype @ cecily.diaz or through email @ cld97@yahoo(.)com.
FairyClock's picture

I'm so relieved you are

I'm so relieved you are getting out of there. The sooner the better.
I was getting ready to go power clean my basement for you if you needed a place.
phantomhelsing's picture

haha I'm very touchedd by

haha I'm very touchedd by that offer @FairyClock~

I'm doing a lot better today and everyone involved in my move has agreed that I don't come back to get my stuff until my family gets here to come with me, which should be in a few days.

My next worry is my 2 cats, who I had to leave behind, my aunt has a full house with 2 big dogs and one of my cats is a very skittish ex-feral, she'd be really stressed. My friend is looking after them right now and I trust her completely, but I'd like to get them before Tuesday when she goes back to work so that he's not alone one minute with my cats.

I don't care I'll go back there and punch him out to get my kitties if it came to it lol He may have told me once that I'm wimpy because I don't go to the gym but that's not going to matter because I fight dirty, if I feel my animals are at risk you bet you're getting punched in the throat or the kidneys |D

I doubt it will come to that, my friend is really looking out for me and my cats so I'm not too worried, just miss them haha
thelittleraven's picture

What an absolutely garbage

What an absolutely garbage human being. I agree with Ravyn, this guy's a manipulative narcissist, and I'm so glad you're getting out of there. Hopefully your friend and your kitties stay safe... it sounds like she really needs to leave him. People like him are incredibly dangerous.

I was watching this story from the start and elected not to leave a comment before, because I was pissed. Probably would have said something really upsetting without meaning too. But I just want you to know you've had and will continue to have my support!

You can hit me up on discord if you ever need to talk: kerze#3553