You know? (the Mystery i never sovled)

Thinking back to Feburay 2013 when i joined i rember as a fawn when i rubbed on the tree an Easter egg would fall rather then a pinecone but i never figured out of why it did that? why was it an Easter egg rather then a Pinecone? i never figured it out? Easter was 2 months away so why?
Pegasicorn's picture

Maybe the Gods were being

Maybe the Gods were being silly for Mardi Gras since it's in the month of February? I can't think of any other reason. |D
Flyleaf's picture

We had Eastereggs falling

We had Eastereggs falling from rubbing trees for Easter last weekend too .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13

hmm maybe!! thanks you guys!

hmm maybe!! thanks you guys!