So, happy new year, everyone. ^^
I haven´t done sceenie-blogs for a while even though I take a lot of pictures so I thought to make this year´s last blog. I have no idea when most of these are taken and there´s a lot of deer I don´t know, but thank you to all of you and to rest of community for a mostly fun year. =) Feel free to point your deer if you see it somewhere...
Screenies are in random order. Some are a lot newer than the others.
Spyrre: "Hey, you have some red on you."
Others: <_<
Whatever Ravyn said, Sao seems to not like it. Everyone else: *ignore*
Brown deer: *noms poppies* Spyrre: "Hey! Those are mine!"
Antler-dancing fawn is polite.
She seems to have some audience too.
Calm moment among blueberries.
Both minis do their best to ignore the weird stuff in the backround..
Some typical insanity.
A silent moment....
A new tourist-attraction of the Endless Forest: A deer-pyramid!
"Where did he go, he was here just a moment ago?"
Brown deer: *headbut!* Spyrre: Waaaah! o_O *rolls down the hill*
Sneaky Spyrre is sneaky.
Halloween athmosphere.
Peacock-Spyrre: *loves huge raven*
Raven: ....she seems to be too fat to carry off after all....
Spyrre seems to make a good pillow.
Enjoying the night-time.... Spyrre seems to be pillow´ed again.
Red-deer party!
Spyrre: *is discuised as a mushroom*
Minies awesomeness overpowers the grey deer.
And then.... attack of the small animals! D=
Bunnies and antilopes don´t seem to get along very well.
Pile of birds.
These butterflies are quite vicious!
Spyrre: "Allright, take the flowers....but don´t eat me." o_O
Fawn and a pet bunny going see a freaky floating deer.
Pet bunny again.
Sneaky pet bunny is sneaky.
"Look, I trained my raven to sit on it´s picto!"
In the protection of the Great Oak.
An imaginary cookie for everyone who bothered to watch this far. *gives out cookies*
That´s it for now, see you next year. =)
That's Valor in the first
Looks like you had some fun adventures in 09, can't wait for 2010!
Happy to meet you, I think I
They're so awesome
Thankyou for the awesome night with Yori, and happy new year<3
Heh, thanks and you´re
Happy new year!
Argh, mini-fawns are just too cute..! <3
and again a Happy "deerfull" New Year !!
♥ ♥
wondefull screenshots xDD
wtf? antler dancing-fawn is swan... when did that happen? oO *can't remember*
Vala, Thank you! ^^ AliceV,
AliceV, I don´t remember anymore, but those weren´t very new pictures anyway. I had no idea it was her, Spyrre ran into her at Crying idol with some other fawns and they danced... and at some point she ended up floating on her antlers. Swan seemed to like being in there. XD
Hehe, there´s The Collector also in one picture. She had fun following him around.
Spyrre is just cute XD Lol,
Hehe, thanks.
Yeah, I think that mushroom-disquise works better with Stealth Bunny than with a Not-So-Stealth minideer. *makes a mental note in her mental notebook*
*Gosh, I didn't saw it before
I like these screenshots, so <3 The last is cute (:
*HAHA, I see Solaya on two screenshots ! ROFL, it was one of her firsts days, for the first screen XD I don't remember that
Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer