Woodswolf's Bio

woodswolf's picture
Hello. This is just the bio for my deer, Woodswolf (note that the actual username is lowercase as shown on my account).

Woodswolf was born into the Forest on May 23rd, 2011. She had previously lived in another life as a wolf (usually called 'rockhounds' by the residents of the forest) in the Abyss of Dreams. When she died, her spirit floated up out of the Abyss and was born to a Rain-deer in the Endless Forest. Later, her kind gave her a curse which made her transform into a rockhound when she feels nervous, threatened or angry. She lives alone, in self-exile, and watches others, wishing desperately to make a friend. She can communicate with rockhounds and has been called a 'rock-deer' (instead of Rain-deer) because of this; however, she tries to avoid it because of the fact that she has to further exile herself from others whenever she does, for otherwise she may be killed.
Wearing a crown of purple flowers, she calls herself 'The Queen of the Hounds' and generally runs in the First Forest, although she does have secret areas where she resides in the Birch Forest. As a self-exile, she has made a habit of talking to herself. The only beings she feels safe to truly confront and talk to are the Twin Gods, and prays at their statue whenever she happens to be wandering by. But when she trusts someone, she will defend them to her death, and is a very loyal, good friend.

Note that once she grows up, I need help getting this set (I don't know exactly what to call it). Look on the Pelt, Mask and Antler Selectors here (this link links to the other ones) http://endlessforest.org/community/antler-selector :
Antlers: Normal w/ or w/o Flowers or 2nd in 5th row
Masks: Normal or 1st in the top row
Pelts: Normal or 3rd in 3rd row
May the Forest be with you!

Cool character! Now all we

Cool character!

Now all we need is for Anjali to be on......
Anjali's picture

Tracking~ I like how she used

I like how she used to be a wolf--Anjali used to know another deer who was connected with wolves, as well. She sounds very interesting. Smiling

Sorry I wasn't on earlier to roleplay!
woodswolf's picture

It's okay, Anjali! I

It's okay, Anjali! I understand. That happens to me a lot...
And thanks!
See you in the Forest!