WIShfull revenge Warning:Mild Violence

Willet's picture
Wishes, pure and simple and....weak. Those are the things that gives the boy his life. When you stop Wishing, he grows weaker. But he, is not one to mess with, If you're looking for a fight to win, stray far from this little star.

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Late summer, a park, young birds taking there first flight, and falling to the ground unable to defend them selfs. Wish feared for them. Because to many times had he sat in his tree top homes and watched as they where brutally killed. By animals he didn't mind so much but when people found it amusing to crush them, it enraged him. So he final decided to spend hours scurrying about the entire massive park gathering the tiny adventures and depositing them near a tree he spent a lot of time in. This was a park a good friend of his, one of his only friends, said was safe for all. He was wrong. He had over twenty feathered younglings gathered around this tree, covering many of them in a lite blanket of large maple leaves to keep them quiet. When he was to tired to run about anymore he collapsed by the tree and began doing as he always did arranging leaves in a giant rainbow of foliage. Today there was a family pick nick, Wish didn't mind these people but kept to this tree, just barely to far for them to see him. But the kids of the pick nick, some older then him some younger, began running around looking for things to do. A group of boys ran about doing mean things to Wishes park home. Squishing flowers, peeling bark of trees, ripping leaves and branches from trees. But the little birds where safe. Until the band of boys saw him. Tee-shirts, shorts and large work boots are what most of them wore. The one that seemed to lead most of them was the worst of them all. Wish had seen many like him, they all looked different and had different names, but he called them "Jack". Short for a less flattering term. When his colorfulness was pointed out the boys rushed over, looking for trouble. Wish said nothing. "Who is this rainbow freak"!? "Oh you got rainbow pride don't cha little fag boy"! They all went into a fit of laughter. "Hello Jack" Wish whispered. "Names not Jack its Logan"! "I don't really care". The boy kicked him in the stomach with his large booted foot. Wish crashed against the tree, knocking his head hard and pushing the breath out of him. More laughter. "Come on fagot say something again". Wish stood shakily on his feet "Get away from me". Jack rammed into him, throwing him to the ground. Wishes arm sliced open above the elbow. The birds started tweeting in fear. Other boys uncovered them. "Leave them alone"! Wish pushed Jack off of him, and threw himself in front of the pile. "No" One punched him in the stomach as other scooped up birds and began sterandleing them. Some literally stomped on them till death. Wish became enraged. He was now being held against a tree as other punched him and kicked him. With his anger his fangs and claws began to grow. He sunk those fangs deep into the arms of others. He was released while others ,now hungry for his blood, rushed towards him. He punched one in the face and in there stunned moment raked his claws across there open eyes. That boy is blind now. One came up behind him and Wish turned and kicked them as hard as he could. His back claws tearing there shirt before he shoved his clawed hand into there toursoe. That one is dead now. And one last boy Jumped up , tried to throw him to the ground. Wish jumped to, half way to the ground he sunk his fangs deep into the soft throat of this boy. He choked on his blood until he died. Then there was "Jack". He now had a buck knife and B-B gun. Wish hissed. "FREAK"! He shot Wish and though many of the tiny metal pellets sliced his skin He ran towards the gun wielder. Jack stabbed Wish in the leg. Wish howled in pain then pulled it out and slammed Jack to the ground, with new found strength. The connection with the hard earth shattered "Jacks" arm. The fight must have been viewable from the pick nick because adults began pouring into the scene yelling and crying over there dead or dieing children. But Wish had just enough time for Jack and he knew it. Jack started yelling at the top of his lungs. Wish clawed at his throat hopeing to stop the sound. But the other covered his throat so Wish griped the boys shoulders, diging his claws in, while jumping up and down as hards as he could on the chest of the victim. He heard snapps and fells things pop with each landing, when he was ripped away by a large man. He hissed and howled. Then noticed the people he was against now so he gathered his bag and dashed out of the park as fast as he could, Streaked in blood, and yet some what hungry for more. Nut he was scared. Not of attackers, of the peopls kids hed just killed or even random peopl who would see him covered in blood! H ewas scared of a man, a verey young man. Who allowed him to saty in that park, so that he no longer had to wander from town to town looking for places to stay. Tha blonde man said this park was verey safe! Well, it was till I came along. Andas the boy quickly scaled a fire escape to and old apparment building tears began to fall as he whispered. "Oh kylar...please dont hate me"!
ShadowsofLight's picture

awww. it's quite sad but

awww. it's quite sad but don't worry. Kylar won't hate him.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Willet's picture

he will be quite happy to

he will be quite happy to know that!!