Who are you?

Zhendaya's picture
So well, Im a new fawn here in TEF, and I made a new awsome friend. But dont know why, the screenshots dont appear in the Screenshots folder D: So I dont know who he/she is!
Help me find him/her!
His/Her deer looked like me, blue with the golden markings, he had the skeleton mask, and he had small antlers, dont remember how.
His/Her symbol looked like a face with a mostache, thats all I remember.
If you know him/her please tell me! D:
Also, if you know a way to solve the problem with the screenshot thingy, please tell me. I press "P" and there's no screenshots, do I need to press somethin else? Thanks
--Please help me! I miss this awsome friend D;


That was my girl Karma! you

That was my girl Karma! Smiling you where awesome to play with, hope to see you in the forest again soon! ^^

oh and with the screenshots

oh and with the screenshots thing, i had the same problem! Basically at the top of the screenshots folder, you'll see the button 'new folder'. There is a button next to that which says 'compatibility files'. Press that, and your screenshots should appear! Smiling that's how i do it anyway ^_^'
Zhendaya's picture

Ohmigosh! Hai! 8D I was sooo

Ohmigosh! Hai! 8D
I was sooo glad to play with ya :3
You were like my old sis there xD
Gosh, Im thankful to finally find ya!
Cya soon! ^^
Btw, you have deviantArt or somethin? :3

haha hello! Yeah, Karma

haha hello! Eye
Yeah, Karma thinks your Blu is like her little sis! :3
i do have deviantart, but i dont really post much on there! T-T