
SentrySeb's picture

I can't stress over petty words on a screen. I don't have the energy. If you have any issues with me, turn over a new leaf. It really isn't hard. Or, tell me what I can do to change.

Aivilo's picture

Hi, Sentry. I'd like to give

Hi, Sentry. I'd like to give you a little response to this, but I'd rather not do it here because I don't think it's necessary for other people to butt into what I have to say.
If you're truly open to some honest friendly advice, please Email me.

If you're not interested right now, I understand. I'll save it for a rainy day in case you ever change your mind.
KingEnvy's picture

Personally I don't know you

Personally I don't know you very much, but I always love your posts. Hope the stress goes away soon mate.
SentrySeb's picture

Aw, thanks King. I really,

Aw, thanks King. I really, really hope everyone has a merry Christmas. I'm sorry I butt into life when were all stressed enough~

Would you really like my

Would you really like my opinion?
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
SentrySeb's picture

Not if you don't ant to give

Not if you don't ant to give it. Be willing, don't hold back, and just be awesome~

I don't hate you, I just wish you cam off as... nicer? Sad Using my country was kinda lame, even if it was a story.

I don't need to come off as

I don't need to come off as nicer. If I come off as nicer, then I would never be able to speak my mind, in lacking care for what people think of me, and refusing to hold back I get my point across in a stern manner that shows for a fact that I take bs from nobody, I'm not a sweet nice person to people I don't know. There are only two people for me. Those I do not know. And those who I hold on a silver pedestal. But anyway that's beside the point.

He isn't my character, mmhm, he belongs to a television show I suggest looking here LinkLinkLink
They make fun of my country too, it's a satire and meant to be funny, if you can't understand that, I'm sorry, but maybe you need to try taking the Internet less seriously, because if you can't take a television show making fun of your country, you're in for a nasty surprise when you find people who actually dislike the country, unlike me, who adores every nation, especially Russia for the rich history behind it as well as the beauty of the country itself. I've made worse jokes about my own nation, I don't take well to people attempting to get on me when I mention something a show/manga/webcomic. made up.

It doesn't hurt my feelings, as trust me, that's all but impossible to do, but it aggravates me when I feel that people refuse to listen, it shows disrespect, and ignorance when someone spends time attempting to show someone that they weren't the one to do something and the other person continues to throw blame on them, it's only funny for so long.

I know for a fact I had more to say, but I just woke up, and am rather sick, so I seem to have forgotten it, I'll probably come back if it hits me again.
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
SentrySeb's picture

Hrm... I honestly am not


I honestly am not angry at you at all, when i should be screaming at the comp screen. :|

I'm terribly sorry it took so dang long to reply, my mom came home, got my homework done, ect.

But, Van, can we start over? I just want to understand you, I don't mean to come off as insulting at all. I am rather ignorant, but not a ton, I just need to learn with those older than me. Thanks for your input. Your perfect, and great. Don't let the actions of one affect you. <33