~We can't take back the words we never said~[W.I.P]

[Will eventually put some css in here, this is for my character in a month]
Name:Nyla or Myla
Mental: appears to be multiple personality disorder
Explanation:Nyla can be seen as the "good one" [flowers on horns is only difference in appearence] While Myla is the "bad one"
Scent: Nyla:Mint and lavender. Myla:Cinammon and rain
Voice:Nyla's is a little lighter than Myla
Personality: Nyla:She loves company and goes out to search for it, but it can never fill the empty hole inside her. She's a whirlwind of emotions, always keeping you guessing, going from joyous to depressed. She despises her sister and fights for control. Absolutely fears water, will go days without a bath if possible. She's still always trying to please and be nice. Myla:The same rebel she was, if not more now. Loves the water, lives in it when she has control. Moody and short tempered. She still tries to get back in her own body, so she tries to drown herself.
History: Nyla and Myla were born as rare twins. Nyla was always trying to please her parents, while Myla was always the rebel. Life couldn't be better, until disaster strikes as it always does. Myla had been sneaking away to explore, and one day wanted Nyla to come with her. After a lot of pestering, Nyla gives in and follows Myla into the darkness the next night. As they trek out, Nyla sees creator hill and goes up to have a quick pray as their parents taught. Myla watches with distast,a fatal move. Nyla worries for her sister, but continues to follow her. They reach the pond, and they look into it. Myla tells Nyla her theory about the pond that if you went in you went to another realm. Myla jumped in, running to the deepest part of the pond. Nyla motioned to come back franticly and panicked when Myla disapeared underwater. Nyla watched for several minutes, expecting her sister to pop up and laugh at her. Nothing happened. Wanting to be the hero, Nyla eventually ran in, lose her footing and slip underwater.....Nyla bursts out of the water,skinny and freezing. She drags herself to the shore and sees it's still night. She looks down at herself to assess the damage, she looked oddly...bigger and a voice screamed at her, confused and disoriented. Nyla shook it off, and went to look for someone to help. Nyla finds a stray deer and asks where her parents are. The deer looks at her oddly and says that they left years ago. Shocked and confused, she asks the date. It was the exact same day...but 5 years into the future. She lost her sister and her family was god knows where. "I'm not dead." A hard voice whispered in her head. "I was right about that pond....Let's have some fun."

Would love some css tips and

Would love some css tips and the usual. I want to be prepared when I do hit 1 month. Thanks!