- The Warning System -

Graveyard's picture
Hello Jenny,

We have no problem at all with nudity. Or the suggestion of sex acts,
even. As long as it is done for the sake of art, and not pornography or
shock value. Ugliness is more offensive to us than sex. So make sure
that whatever you post is beautiful! Smiling

We don't really see what nude pictures or pornographic content have to
do with The Endless Forest, though. So we'd urge everyone to try and
maintain the atmosphere of the game on the community site.

Michael & Auriea.

Information Lies under the Cut

This is for Anyone to use as Reference should the need arise that someone gets pissy due to something. Linking back to here, or if Doe doesn't delete the other blog will prove that there should be no tiffs over the subject matter.

I have the Comments of this Blog Hidden. However if by the Request of others I will remove the block. However, should it rise up to be a bad situation they would be hidden once again.

- For anyone that says I'm trying to be the 'boss' of this entire thing. No, I am not... I am posting Examples I am not forcing nor shoveling this down someones throat stating that they MUST use this. I am merely posting the E-mail from M&A and posting my own system for things that I use.

Basically in the Jist of it all... Artist Sexual Situations seem to be all right for M&A they don't seem to overly care about these things. Now, what does this mean for us? Mature subjects are bound to come up, and as such we will have our little rawr moments and tiffs. But as I posted on the other Blog from Doe (As I'm not sure if it will be Deleted or not) As far as it goes and seems, Extremely Pornographic images are not to be allowed within the sites walls.

From what I see, everyone is already using a good source of Warnings but I am posting my own for others to use should they desire to use it. I myself see several different things that should be posted behind a warning (IE: Nudity, Sexual Situations, Gore, Violence, etc.) and to each their own. Now here is what I use for my own System of Warnings.


Warnings in Red are very nice to attract the attention of the viewer to it, or any other bright, readable fonts colors. And if needed, using a larger sized font to make it more noticeable as well.

What I do with my /mature/ RPs, Images or anything of the sort is I have a Pre-made Written message that I post at the top of it.

Size 15Color RedBolded

WARNING! This Blog Could Lead to Mature Situations, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
(Ratings, What Is Possible to Happen, etc.)

WARNING! This Blog Could Lead to Mature Situations, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!
Rated R rating for the fact that there will likely be Blood and Gore, Severe Swearing, and a more Brutality take on the deer himself.

I will also post in the Title, if it is Mature.

{Text Here} [Rp/Mature] {Text Here}

Example: {The Sweet Dream} [RP/Mature] {The Beautiful Nightmare}

Perhaps others can take a look onto things like this to mark if things are Mature. Artistic Sexual Acts shouldn't be frowned upon but if posted upon the site I believe that they SHOULD be posted behind a Link with a VALID warning on them. The same goes for Story Links.

Image Here - MATURE WARNING (Nudity)
Story Here - MATURE WARNING (Sexual Acts, Nudity)

Examples: (Note, These Examples are not Mature XD)
Amuxiel (Mature, Liontaur!)
"End of Me" {Mature, Violence)

Now, while it is human curiosity to look. If one is using say... Furaffinity to post their own MATURE images then those users who are not on the website itself CANNOT view them. And even with an account they cannot view them unless they go through the process of checking the 'View Mature Artworks' on.

This is the System I've come to use, it gives clear and valid warnings to the viewers that there will be something that would likely require a more mature mind in it. And if they wish to continue on they are doing so at their own leisure. Reading the warning and then getting upset later because of it, it would be their own fault in the end.

No one has to use this, it's just a group of Examples that I've thought would help with certain situations and I do use it myself.

And from the Same blog post, Alec has given a firm example as well. While using Warnings and the like is a great start we should also consider using Texts that lead to an example of what lies beyond the cut.

Being as Detailed as possible we can work along with the things already brought up to keep these things known.

NSFW - Not Safe For Work (Generally used for Nudity, Sexual Acts, Tasteful Nudity and anything that is related to these events)
Gore - Pretty self Explanatory. When a scene involves a heavy amount of Bloodshed, Slashers, Ripping Creatures Apart, Missing Limbs, etc.
Extreme Gore - If you feel there is a more Extreme take to your Gore, putting Extreme in front of it will declare that there is more Detail in the situation.
Violence - Again, Pretty Self Explanatory. Violent acts against another person, Fights, etc. Punching and Beating Each Other up Basically.
Extreme Violence - If you feel that there is more Extreme in your Violence you can put the Extreme before it. For when Bloodshed comes up and there is more details in the Violent actions.

To go a long with graveyard:

Please give some warning of what mature content it is in the title in case someone is just browsing recent post.
Even a "NSFW" (Not safe for work) label would let everyone immediately know there is nudity/depictions of sexual acts underneath.

"gore" works fine for wounds/bleeding/bare bones/missing body parts etc.

"violence" is fine for violence.

Not sure what else there could be.
"suicide/self harm" maybe?
Tally's picture



This is great! Always nice

This is great! Always nice to have an outline for everyone to work and build from. I am also very thankful you included stories in this, when we talk art, literature is included. There should be no distinction, the same warnings for both!
A great post, well worded. Thanks Graveyard.