Woo! I had requests to make a tutorial for the style of TEF arts that I do, so come in and have a seat and the lesson shall begin! :>
Also, if anyone tries it out, feel free to post your amazingness! I want to see! And if you have any questions, go ahead ask away :3
MY GOD FLED WOW. *saves*
Sweet tutorial! Thanks for
I tried to draw Runa, and failed... the pen tool and I just aren't friends. xD I'll have to play with the anchor system a bit more (I'm so confused by that). :/
Epicccc. ~~~~~~~~~ Ohsnapple
Ohsnapplecakes in a basket.
Obligatory crazy blog guy.
Thank for the comments,
HECK YEAH. Thanks for the
Learn about the stag
Gawd, I wish I had
0.o...is scared of pen tool.