under cut
Name: Una (oo-nuh, Native American name meaning “remember”)
Nickname: Deerling (almost everyone refers to her as this, and she introduces herself as such, but thinks of herself as Una)
Age: Ancient, though you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at her
Gender: Female
Species: ???
Appearance: She has dark chestnut brown fur, with a flashing white under-tail. Her legs and belly are dark beige. She has no antlers, and there’s a scruff-like curl of fur at the nape of her neck. Her human face is oval-shaped, with a straight, “Greek” nose; and soft features. A pair of human arms sits above her forelegs, the shoulder blades of her human arms parallel to that of her deer legs. The arms are short and childlike, so it’s easier to hold them up when she needs to run fast. Her skin is darkly tanned, and she has very dark brown hair in a bobbed style. Her eyes are nut-brown, and the pupils are shaped like a deer’s.
Build: Tall, with long, spindly legs. She is very fast and agile, but not very strong, so she’s likely to run in the face of danger. Her hands are long-fingered and nimble from weaving grass, while her arms are strong from use.
Objects She Uses: She has a staff made of an ash tree branch that was struck down during a thunderstorm long ago—she was standing under the tree and was nearly knocked on her head with the thing. The bolt cut only halfway through the branch, and she cut it down to a sturdy staff with a crescent moon shape—formed from the lightning bolt—at the top. She then coated the staff in the sap from the wound left in the ash tree. It’s said that this staff keeps her from aging, increases her endurance, and aids in the magic she dabbles in.
She has a shard of obsidian that she keeps for whittling purposes. Rarely does she use it as a weapon, and then only in defense. She wedges it into the crescent shape in her staff when she’s not using it, making it look like an ornament.
Personality: Calm is the word best used to describe her. Sometimes annoyingly so. Unless it’s a dire situation, she’ll keep her cool and talk things out.
She has one of the longest memories around, and that’s surprising if you look at her age (which nobody seems to know).
Deer’s squeamishness toward her appearance amuses her to no end, because, as she sees it, hands are completely normal for a deer to have. She always makes gestures with her hands when she’s speaking, and she can’t seem to keep her hands still.
She has a mild addiction to chewing spruce tree sap.
She doesn’t at all mind the solitude her appearance usually forces upon her. In fact, she’ll even seek it out at times. During these lonely hours, she is usually weaving grass into baskets or whittling with her crude obsidian blade.
When she finishes her little projects, if she doesn’t find it particularly useful to herself, she’ll leave it on a tree stump or rock for anyone who wants it. She once tried to trade them for things, but most deer avoided her.
With the magical power coming from her staff, she can perform a handful of spells. She is able to heal most wounds, divine spirits for varying lengths of time, and protect an individual from harm for a few hours, along with a few minor spells. She is very lethargic after performing magic, as she takes much of her strength from her staff, so she will only use magic if there is a need to.
Scent: She is oddly void of scent, and this emptiness has a kind of too-clean smell of its own. It’s usually covered up by the smell of spruce from chewing the sap.
Voice: Sometimes scratchy from disuse. A soft, wise voice that demands attention from her audience, because she's a deer of few words.
In RP, her voice is in Nyala font.
History: No one is really sure where she came from, but one day she appeared and has been around ever since, not aging a day. Sometimes she mentions a time before mankind ruled the world, that hints she’s older than she seems.
She came to a magical forest a few years ago, and was enchanted. Far from the human world, the land was peaceful and filled with life that she hadn’t seen in a very long time. She’s happy to stay in this endless forest forever. Her favorite haunt is De Drinkplaats. The magic emanating from the fountain is so familiar and refreshing she’s almost always there.
Link to her *complete* history:
Wow I love her design!!!
Track <3