Two years ;;

Pretzil's picture

It's been a little over two years now since I began playing tef ♥
I entered the world of the community a nice number of months after starting tef. Wow. It feels like just the other day that I declared to be a 'yearling'. ;~; It's been such a gift to have you guys, even if we don't talk ever, I love you all. This community has been basically my sanctuary; my second home. Sometimes it feels like my first home.
We really are one big gigantic family. Sometimes we fight. other times we celebrate, cry together, and support one another. If it wasn't for this wonderful game.... i don't know what I would be like today or where i'd be going. it's hard to imagine a life without my dear friends I've made here.

I would have probably never been able to reach the level of art quality that I am at now if it wasn't for you guys. Mom tells me that I'm obsessed with this game and this place, but I tell her that it's been more of a family to me than a real one sometimes.
You guys have helped me through some of my darkest times, and celebrated with me in my happiest. It means a lot to me because I feel that this place can accept me the way I really am. In the real world, I feel like I can't show anyone my art or talk about my characters. But on here.... I can express myself.

pff sobsobsob mushy love story I know. ;~; but you guys srsly... hnng I love you guys. And I hope to stay with you all for as long as life allows. ♥

Im a few weeks away from hitting two official tefC years. I might post a little 'yay' blog when that happens since this is so long lol.

love you guys ♥
care to sit by a little two-year in forest?

♥ Congrats Pretzy! I'm

♥ Congrats Pretzy!
I'm happy we could become friends through TEF
This game wouldn't be nearly as fun without chu' c:
Pretzil's picture



Congrats! <3
Pretzil's picture

thank you ;Q;

thank you ;Q;
mismatched's picture

OMFGLAKSDJF -throws confetti-

OMFGLAKSDJF -throws confetti- congrats Pret!
Pretzil's picture

asdjal;cadsde thank'oo

asdjal;cadsde thank'oo ♥