Trinket is okay

squeegie's picture
Trinket is okay, I'm so relieved! I've been so worried, you have no idea.
Trinket messaged me saying she's been very sick to the point that her doctor wants to keep her in the hospital, and on top of that her internet keeps going out.
Trinket means a lot to me, I hope and pray for the best.

She also wanted me to give you guys hugs from her so, -superglomps- c;
Pegasicorn's picture

I saw her journal on

I saw her journal on deviantART. Glad she's alright (for the most part). =]

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
parrotsnpineapple's picture


Thank goodness

Lyeekha's picture

Trinkeeeeet! Oh, no. *sends

Oh, no. *sends an amazing amount of luffs to her*
Liëka~FIU~~Artemis~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Yahrl-Li~Irish Elk~Rakiël~Iranu&Uvavu~WLiiA?
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