August 4, 2008 - 9:48pm — fayne
The monarch-pelted doe gave Her a swift kick, sending her tumbling into the Pond. She was on Aeros in an instant, knocking him to the ground and pressing her hoof into his windpipe. 'You just hadta ruin my game, didn't you?" He knew she was grinning underneath the mask, but he remained noble. "You can't do this. You're killing innocent deer. How can this be fun to you?" She snorted. "The thrill, old man! I need something to do! And this is great." She put more pressure on her hoof. Aeros could feel his skin weakening. He looked up at her. "It is for you. But not for the rest of us. As soon as the rain clears, you'll see what you've done, and you'll be ashamed."
"And maybe I'll never go back." She pushed even harder; a bead of blood appeared on the grass. "Maybe I'll stick like this. It's what this place needs - a little shaking up!" She laughed, a sickening, eerie, bubbly sound. "Come on. It's time for a change."
"Not a change like this!" He wouldn't hurt her, couldn't, he couldn't harm one of his own...
She glanced at the river, where the water was running red. "Ooh, good! More victims." Blood spilled even more freely from his neck now. "Why don't you join 'em?"
A single heave of his back legs caught her in the stomach and sent her flying into the water. Aeros laid back against the grass, in shock, cold, and exhausted. A ruby necklace was traced around his spotted pelt. The last thing he saw was Her emerging from the Pond before he tumbled into darkness.
Aeros awoke to Tunafish laying next to him. He blinked and coughed, forcing himself to lie still despite the questions clouding his mind. Miss Tuna noticed his efforts and turned her head to look at him. "You're awake." Her eyes were tearstained under her mask. "The storm's over. Everyone's waiting for you." She stood and shook herself. "Loop and I patched you up. You should be alright."
The leaves pressed into his wound fell away as the old stag heaved himself groggily to his feet. "What happened?", he asked the doe. She blinked and glanced out at the river. "I'll show you."
It took them some time to reach the Bridge. A group of deer were gathered around it, talking quietly. When the duo reached them, they fell silent. Aeros continued slowly forward, limping slightly. Tuna fell away to join Her. The sight that met the old deer's eyes made him stop dead.
Squeegie and a nameless stag lay before him. Both's eyes were closed peacefully, but their chests didn't move. Next to him were two more deer - Quad, for one, and a huge, decayed doe with a skull over her face. "The Hunter took Squeegie and the stag out with her." Her's voice was broken with exhaustion and pain. "Quad was killed getting Pandemonium to the cage."
She stopped. Aeros had whirled at the name. An anger she'd never seen before burned in his eyes. "I'll be back." She watched in silence, along with the rest, as the frail old stag limped away towards the ruins.
"You got your wish. Four deer are dead."
Pan leaned against the bars of the cage, sobbing with helpless laughter. "I did what I meant to do, eh, crouton? HEEHEEHA!" She was gone for good now - her senses had packed up and left her. Aeros stared in barely-controlled rage, his face an inch away from hers. "I can no longer call you a friend. We've disowned you, Pandemonium. You're condemned to stay here until you can find your heart." He tossed his head in fury at her respone - more laughter. "Alright, syrup. Cool with me. I'll stick around in here and mess with the little beetles the moment they set foot near here!" She reared back, snorting. "OOHAHAHAHEEHEE!"
Aeros turned and stalked away. But what could he do? What could anyone do? For in her own mind, she was totally, utterly, sane.
Finished. n.n I'm relieved. Feedback on this whole thing is much appreciated!
.... ...How DARE you! *notes
...How DARE you!
*notes down Faynes picto*
O8 This whole story was
You know how much I like it
I think I'm gonna print it off.
Check my updates and Information, it greatly affects in-Forest behaviour
One. ONE of my pictos.
Thank you, Squeege! XD Pan's such a butt.
Understand us
Forest FAQ
*is imagining a strange
...hey.... What's Pan's picto? :*o
Check my updates and Information, it greatly affects in-Forest behaviour
In my bios.
Understand us
Forest FAQ
-hugs your FACE- FAYNE I
You are the first person to include Her in a story and capture her spot-on that I makes me want to cry tears of utter relief and joy that someone sees her as I do. I just can't even comment right now because I'm speechless that this is the end. xD
You must write MORE.
And share your skills with me in the shape of sprinkles on top of cupcakes. Because then at least I can try and pretend I'm half as good as you are. U: <3
-dies happy-
I love it! And Quad was
*has a mock funeral for Quad*