Things that really tick me off - #1 Global warming denial / polution

Doe's picture
Do people really care so little for the planet that they want to DENY when science clearly points to the fact that we're seriously effecting the ENTIRE planet with our trash/emissions? ):<

Or maybe it's that -certain- crazy -groups- think that the world as we know it is going to come to an end soon anyways, so it doesn't matter how we treat the planet.

There are dozens of companies, that dump TOXIC WASTE into our waters, lakes, streams, oceans, etc, just because it's cheaper to pay the fines for dumping the waste, than it is to pay for it to be treated. How can someone be SO selfish? Sure, they save a little money now, but later, when there's no more clean, useable water to drink, then what?

BP is a good example of the 'save money now' mentality. They saved some money by not replacing a few parts on their oil rig, and suuuure it was nice and dandy to save a few bucks then. BUT, they are so short sighted. . . And look what happened. Since they didn't replace the parts, the whole freakin' rig blew sky high, and now they owe billions of dollars in damages. So in the long run? They lost money, good job.


Kiraki's picture

It's because people are

It's because people are idiots Sticking out tongue

I even know people that believe none of these things have a major impact on the planet and if it does it somehow does not concern them, because it's not a problem where they live.

They are just to short sighted to realise the true impact each individual has.
Doe's picture

I want to go dump a big pile

I want to go dump a big pile of trash on some people's lawns. . . .
And see how they like it, honestly.

I've heard it compared to boiling a frog in a pot of water. If you put the frog in a pot of nice, cool water, he won't really notice that the temperature is slowly rising, until he's dead.

People don't really get that the planet is going to hell in a hand basket, because it's happening slowly all around them. Maybe we could really use a sudden jolt, to kick start everyone thinking about more than just their selves. :/
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J!n's picture

We are doomed. We won't

We are doomed. We won't change.