Teradeer Contest: The Great Jawbone Mystery

DEERTH's picture
This is written for Terabetha's contest! It's completed.


Introduction Poem
"Here I am, without my jawbone,
where it might be, I don't know,
sitting here, pondering mysteries alone,
but if deer, coming help me so,
I am not alone, we must find my jawbone!"

(In these brackets I'll put my own comments, if that's alright. Anyways, I put some humour inside the whole work, if that's alright as well! Teradeer was thinking by thoughts, with this poem, as Tera possibly can't talk without the jawbone!)

It was a warm morn, light as always, in The Endless Forest. A strange, simple brown deer was sleeping near The Crying Idol, under tall oak. It wasn't The Old Oak, it was just an oak. The deer is called 'Teradeer' and is quite simple looking from afar. But, well, when you go closer, you may notice it (Teradeer's gender is unknown, so we call Tera 'it'.) without it's jawbone... Yes, Tera's jawbone is quite usual to be gone, one time you see Tera with it's jawbone, the other Teradeer is quite grumpy and angry looking, because it's jawbone's gone again. Well, when Teradeer is without jawbone it's, Tera can't possibly talk! And the strangest thing is, you can easily put it's jawbone back when you find Teradeer. It's like, you put it's jawbone below the upper jaw, and it stays there like glued back! Well, one thing is, Tera's lost it's jawbone again. When Tera woke up under the oak, it wanted to say: What a good morning, but then, Tera noticed it again. Jawbone's poofed away. Tera thought on that while: "I feel quite unjawboned... My jawbone's GONE again! This is not funny! How many times I've lost that jawbone, and now it's gone again. Maybe someone wanted to make fun out of me and stole my jawbone... I must get around and see if someone has my jawbone... Hmm, what a pleasant morning, hrmph."
Indeed, what a pleasant morning. Poor Tera, it can't eat either. Tera went down to The Pond, and gulped water down in a strange way, because the jawbone wasn't on Teradeer. Well, how Tera gulped water, is still a strange way. It laid on it's back and put it's head in water to drink water as it can. Well, the thirst is gone for then. Then, Tera continued, looking for deer around whom to question... Wait, it can't question, the jawbone's gone... Well, to look where's the jawbone. When Tera walked past The Twin Gods Statue soon enough, it saw a purple deer with yellow highlighted fur, antler nubs and real deer mask and near it, there was a Noh pelted deer with key antlers and also a real deer mask. Then, a red stag (He had huge white antlers.) without a mask, stepped by and said to the other two: "Well, how's it going, my friends?"
The purple pelted deer nodded head as greeting and said: "We're good enough, isn't that so, Razal? And how are you, Brisken?"
The orange deer, who was called 'Razal', nodded head as well and said: "Yeah, we're good. What's wrong with you, Brisken, you look tired?"
The red pelted deer, called 'Brisken' answered the both questions: "I am not good..." he sighed at first. Then he said: "Because, I am tired. I've been partying too much I guess, and that's not good for an old fella like me." The two other deer nodded.
Teradeer was overhearing their boring conversation and jumped near them by coming out from behind a bush, just to scare them for fun. The purple doe gasped at first, but then led out a laughter. Because Razal had screamed from Tera's great greet. Tera was content from the little show being successful. Although Brisken led out a 'hrmph'.
Brisken just looked at Tera and said: "Well, well, if it isn't Teradeer! Hello... Uh yes, you can't talk, you don't even have your jawbone on you..." Tera led out a very unpleasant voice when hearing the sentence: You don't even have your jawbone on you. Tera didn't stand being embarrassed at all. The purple doe led out an amazed voice: "Wow, it's the famous Teradeer! Oh my, I can't believe how many times I have seen you without your jawbone... No offense. Poor Tera, I would love to have a conversation with you... When I had seen you before few times, I didn't have the time to talk with you! Oh wait, where are my manners!? My name is Vallah, and that shaken orange stag is Razal and the red full-of-himself stag..." "I am NOT full of myself!!!" "Well, that red grumpy stag's name is Brisken. It's great to meet you, Tera!" Tera nodded, because it didn't have the chance to say: Nice to meet you too, Vallah. And by the way, I think I'm not ALL that famous!
Razal said then: "Nice to meet you, Teradeer." It seemed that he wasn't that shaken anymore. Tera thought for that: Nice to meet you too, Razal. Tera would have wanted to give a friendly laugh to Razal because of him scared of Tera's little greet!
Brisken glared at Teradeer and didn't say anything. And Tera replied with a glance. It looked quite terrifying without a jawbone. Vallah said then: "I would so like to talk with Tera... Hey, guys, shall we go help looking for Tera's jawbone, I would so like to talk with her... Uh, you're a she, aren't you, Tera?" Tera just raised it's shoulders as an answer: I don't have a specified gender, but you can think whatever you want, if I look more feminine or masculine to you. It was hard to tell, if Vallah understood it.
Brisken mumbled at Vallah's suggestion and sentence: I would love to talk with Tera: "Women..."
Razal said: "Sure, Vallah, why not? I was bored, but now we can help Tera! And that's going to be interesting and we get to meet people!"
Then Brisken expressed himself with a burst of anger: "Gosh, I am tired and now we are going to be errand boys to a BORING deer! What is wrong with you, guys!?"
Then Vallah shrug her shoulders and said: "When you don't want to come, curl up below a tree like a beaten cat..."
Brisken said then: "No! I can't stand that embarrassment! I am coming with you, like it or not!" Tera was amused and giggled. What led out an one-toned giggle without a jawbone. Tera was lucky to have helpers so fast!
All our familiar deer here then started to question around for Tera's jawbone. Tera went along with them, as Tera isn't one to be a lazy fat deer. Also, Razal suggested that Tera would be useful with them, so other deer might get a little soft in the heart so they would help as well. But no one helped and no one had much time to know where the jawbone was, too.


Three hours passed, and no signs of a jawbone at all. Our four friends had even searched around, just in case, but no. The jawbone was to be nowhere. They returned to The Pond. Teradeer, at first was sure it's jawbone is going to be back soon, but that time grew into worry. Such thoughts like, what if I don't get my jawbone back? How will I talk? bothered Tera. It would be quite unpleasant to know that you don't have a jawbone anymore.
Vallah, said tiredly: "Maybe we should drink a bit and then think about it."
They drinked and then Brisken said his opinion: "But, maybe, the jawbone isn't at The Endless Forest? Maybe, it has accidentally gone outside of The Forest!"
"Mmm, logical..." said Razal. "But I don't know any possible ways out of The Forest itself."
Then, the four deer heard a shady voice behind them, that said: "I know a way out of here." Our deer friends turned themselves in the way the voice came and they saw a black deer with thorny antlers and a totem mask.
"Woah... I haven't seen anyone in this Forest who would know any exits away from here..." said Brisken.
That strange deer exhaled a small laugh and said: "Ahh... When I was young, I tended to flee this place a lot. It was a prison for me. The outside world seemed more interesting, but in time, I knew The Endless Forest was a right place to be. It was safe. But, still, if you are going to look this deer's jawbone outside The Forest, I can guide you. Listen to me and DON'T tell anyone else about it! You must run through 5 thick oak trees throughout the landmarks of this Forest and then lie down in a smallest fungus circle. Then you will appear near a portal back to The Forest." The strange deer didn't wait for an answer and just disappeared into thin air with a black puff of fog. All of the four deer whom we know already had a face like they saw ghosts. And the three deer with jawbones looked like they were going to lose their jawbones soon enough as well. Then Vallah shut her mouth first and sighed: "We shall go outside." "WHAT!? Are you crazy!?" screamed Brisken angrily. "The outside world is full of WOLVES!!! And BEARS!!! And... And... Giraffes! Although I don't know what the heck they would might be, but the name says already it's a carnivore!!!"
Tera wanted to burst into laugh, as she knew who giraffes are. But Teradeer stayed still. Besides, it's voice would be weird. Without the jawbone.
Vallah said: "I know, it's dangerous and there's a big world there, but we must get SOME clues to help Tera! Ahh, this is bound to be a great adventure!" "Wait, wait, wait, if this is an adventure, goodbye, I am not going to be an imbecile like that!" said Brisken.
"Brisken, would you shut up already!? We need helpers like you, you're strong. And trust me, later you'll remember this adventure as a great memory." replied Razal.
"Well, to point out, I say NO! This is absolutely insane! You're performing a suicide!" blasted Brisken again.
"Oh, Brisken, would you stop that? It's very honorable to be one who knows the way out of The Forest and has ACTUALLY been outside! Then others would have great respect for you, and that too, you know the way out!" said Vallah again. Then, Brisken wanted to say something, but stayed wordless.
"Honored, respected... Hmm." He mumbled. Tera was tired of this and led a taunting voice, what was supposed to mean: Do you want to come or not, Brainle---Brisken!? Tera wasn't much fond of Brisken, because Brisken was indeed grumpy and full of himself. And those people Tera didn't like.
Then, Brisken said: "Alright, I'll come." He was much calmer now. Then, those four different deer ventured off. They ran through five oaks (These oaks were magical.), one by one following eachother and then quickly found a small mushroom circle that would have fit only 5-6 deer. As they lied down, they disappeared. Where they went? Where will they appear? And, will they find the jawbone? Read more, and see.


Our four friends appeared next to a humble, blue sparkle-watered pond. There wasn't any other animals nearby, and inside the pond was a crystal that was supposedly meant to be the portal. It wasn't too deep, so it could be easily touched. They were located in the middle of a sunny, green forest. The breeze was pleasant. "So," said Vallah. "Now, we gotta get to our quest. Which way shall we go?" Teradeer wanted to give a quick answer to it. It ponted right forward, like knowing with an instinct, where Tera's jawbone might be. Ah, the good days with a jawbone helps us to better find eachother. Isn't that so? Well, the three other deer didn't argue with Tera's opinion, and so they went on.

They walked inside the forest, stranger than their own forest. The grass was very light, trees were very different and mushrooms grew here more than flowers. Animals seemed to be out of sight, like nobody has ever lived here before.

When they had walked a way onwards, Vallah suddenly pointed her ears up high, like she had heard something. "What is it, Vallah?" asked Razal.
"Probably her stupid imaginations, phah." said Brisken with a disturbed look.
"I swear I heard something... Like someone is sneaking upon us..." said Vallah quietly. Tera looked around carefully. It hoped no hunters prey on them.
Then, suddenly Vallah shook her head and said: "Probably nothing... I hope."
They stepped on with their hooves sound on the bone-hard dirt. They were well hearable. They walked on to a meadow, where the dirt was still very hard. They stepped more in tall grass that could reach over their heights. Even Brisken's antler's height. Suddenly, a black wolf jumped out of the grass and took hold of Razal's leg. Every deer got terrified. Brisken taunted the wolf, making the wolf attack him. Razal tried to run off with a bloody leg. (I decided to put here all kinds of adventures.) Vallah jumped off with gracial high jumps, dodging other grey wolves what were following her. Teradeer ran off as well. But every deer took off in different directions. Brisken got clawed by the side and led out a painful cry. Then, he raised his antlers, led them quickly down on the wolf and stabbed it. The wolf couldn't like anymore, as many stabbings killed it. It's blue eyes turned yellow upon death, like freed from a curse with this. Brisken was confused from this. Then, he lied down on knees, trying to make the wounds hurt less. The wolf bit Brisken's chest and feet. Even near the neck.
"I hope these don't get into scars..." he said quietly. But with a different voice. Something changed inside Brisken.

As for Razal, four wolves tried to surround him. Razal got panicked and took up a mighty pose to make himself bigger. Then he led out a strange haunting 'moo' and the wolves suddenly took off in different directions with growls.
Razal laughed quietly and said: "So much for the hunters. Agh!" He felt pain from his leg and it bleeded. Razal lied down and slowly crawled deeper inside the grass. The wind became louder.

Vallah jumped, rock to rock, trying to avoid four wolves that were chasing her. She ran as fast as she could, as terrified. Then, she got cornered near a cliff.
The wolves surrounded her and one with many scars said: "Heheh... The smell of pain and fear is in the air..." The other wolves led out growling agreement voices.
Vallah saw wolves can also talk and said: "Leave us alone! You shall not get us!"
The scarred wolf led out a laughter and said: "Hope... How silly... We will not leave prey alive! We rip them dead from being alive!"
Then, Vallah took up cleverness. She took an alarmed pose and said quietly: "Shhh! I can hear the two-legged coming!" Then she backed off in fear. The wolves believed the deer, backed their ears and put their tail between legs and they took off.
Vallah looked awed on them take off and said to herself: "What a luck!" Then, she slowly trotted away from the cliff.

Teradeer ran on. Three snarling wolves followed it. Then, Teradeer suddenly stopped, faced the wolves, made a terrifying face at the wolves and led out a strange voice without the jawbone. Wolves almost saw it as a monster and got afraid. They ran away. So much about hunters... Being without a bottom jaw has it's own advantages, it seems. Tera thought. It giggled in thoughts and then it thinked why were the wolves so cowardly. And then, Tera saw, it was in the middle of a forest, lost and alone. I gotta find the others! They might be in trouble... What if the other wolves, that ran off, might go after them... Oh no! Tera dashed backwards, but like the forest was enchanted by magic, she couldn't find the way back to the meadow. Tera got a little panicked and stepped on in a random way.

Razal looked around.
"Is the storm coming?" he asked from himself. He tried to get up, but the leg got worse. He crawled a little way deeper into the grass. He could barely move on.
"Owwwhhh... What have these wolves done to their teeth...? It hurts so much... Agghh..." he said to himself again. He stopped in very tall grass while the rain started slowly.

Brisken looked around with an unfamiliar look. The rain was starting slowly. He got up. He didn't care about the wounds and thought: "This rain shall wash away my wounds... I gotta find the others." He stepped on, and he didn't know he was heading the way Teradeer went.

Vallah looked at the sky. The rain tears fell from the grey clouded sky. Vallah sighed and went on. She was scared about the wolves and ran on. She changed the paths many times and soon went inside tall grass. She thought wolves can't smell with this powerful wind and sought shelter in the tall grass. Suddenly, she saw Razal. "Razal! Thank goodness I found you... Oh god... What's with your leg...?" she talked quickly, but then Razal interrupted: "The beasts bit me tough... Their fangs feel like poisoned... Agh, the leg hurts so much..." Then Vallah took a close look at it and then took a few herbs nearby. She put some herbs at it, then took off and made a bandage-like thing on Razal's leg.
"Well thanks, Vallah!" said Razal. "No problem. We gotta move on... You never know where those wolves might be..." replied Vallah. Vallah helped Razal to move and they went on. They still moved in the tall grass, but hoped to find a more sheltering place. Soon, they saw big log. Like a house. Then, a strange deer jumped out of a 'log door' and screamed at Razal and Vallah: "STAND UP AND FIGHT, YOU DIRTY DOGS!!!"
"What the heck's your problem!?" said Razal surprised. "YA WON'T GET A BITE OF ME, JERK!!!" he got an answer. The strange deer was a real deer, what had light brown pelt and sharp, but a bit broken and old antlers. That was an old stag. He had long dark brown fur under the neck. He trampled his foots angrily, like going to fight.
"Calm down! We aren't here to fight!" said Vallah. "Ehh," that stag said. "Are you wolves, after all?" Vallah and Razal exhanged looks. What kind of a question was that? Razal said carefully then: "No... We aren't wolves... We are deer, and we come from The Endless Forest---"
"The Endless Forest! Ah, my friends, let's take a walk and then we talk! Hehee, see, it rhymes!" said the stag happily and walked out of the log hut (That log was actually a hut.). "Follow me!" he said and walked on. Vallah and Razal decided to follow him.
"What yer names?" he said shortly after a while.
"I am Razal and this doe is Vallah." said Razal politely. "And yours?"
"Rrrrademaar!" he said ironically. "Uuuh..." did Vallah. "Is that really your name?"
Then that 'Rademaar' started to laugh and said after: "Heheheeeh! Meh name, and Rademaar! Did you really think that!? Hehe, but no, that isn't my name. My real name be Ehron, instead. Hehehee, no offense, honored Razal and Vallah! Nice to meet such young faces as yours!"
"You too, Ehron." said Vallah. "Excuse me, but we were attacked by wolves---"
"Spit! WOLVES! I hate 'em. They might rip yer limbs of, yah yah! My scars been from 'em yes, I never will forgive them. Ya better watch out, you okay from them?" interrupetd Ehron.
"Yeah, we are. Luckily, Vallah knows how to heal wounds." said Razal.
"Mhm... Ye said ye're from The Endless Forest, right? I've been there, o yes yes, there's peaceful and safe, ye better stay there yer rest of life. Why'd ya leave, anyway?" asked Ehron.
"We're on a quest to retrieve a jawbone for a deer... Quite strange, I know." replied Vallah slowly.
"Tehee, tat's the spirit! Lemme join! Me adventurer myself." said Ehron energically.
"Uhh... Sure... Why did you leave The Endless Forest, by the way?" asked Razal carefully.
"Mehh... As I said, I'mman adventurer. I will not stay in one place too long." replied Ehron. "Oh, and if you need guidance in THIS strange forest, I can lead you. But where's the deer without the jawbone, anyway (Ohh, Tera wouldn't have liked that sentence.)?"
"We're searching for it and another deer. We got split up by wolves." said Razal.
"Mhmm... Let'sago then!" said Ehron happily (Strange for an old deer lulz.). "This way, let us see!"
The storm clouds blew off and those three deer went off to their searching trip.

Teradeer looked at the sky and saw it was about to rain, however, the clouds were going off in another direction. Still, Teradeer went on and didn't sought shelter from anywhere. It hoped the storm will go away soon enough. It went on in a random way until it reached near the tall grass area. Suddenly it saw three deer coming out of there. They were Razal, Vallah and an unknown deer. Tera jumped on the place it stood to make itself visible to others. They saw Teradeer and ran near it.
"Hello Teradeer! It's great we found you! Good, that you aren't eaten or hurt by the wolves! Meet Ehron here. He's going to help us to retrieve your jawbone." said Vallah happily and relieved.
Razal nodded as a greeting and Ehron jested: "Hehee, nice to meet you someone as without a jawbone as you!" Tera made an angry voice what was supposed to mean: Nice to meet you too, jestering simpleton!
"Same to you again, Teradeer!" said Ehron jokingly, not knowing what Teradeer was meaning with the voice. Teradeer rolled eyes for that.
Suddenly, someone stepped out of the shadows of trees near them. It was Brisken. Now others stepped, relieved near Brisken and greeted him too. Brisken just nodded to all as a greet. Ehron didn't joke about him, and that made Tera a bit angrier. It's disgusted look meant it has never been near such a fool like Ehron before. That Tera thought. But, Brisken was strange. He was looking on a tree with glassy eyes and heard a murderly shady voice in his head: "Kill them. They are evil. I can tell. Trust me. Go to them and stab them dead. Kill them. They are unworthy to live! They might kill you before you even know it! They're evil." The voice was very convincing and desperate, but Brisken replied to it in his mind: "Stop it. I know you're the wolf I killed. But I won't heed your words. You're evil instead, a murderer. I won't became the same as you!" "Ah, but you will if I want." A laughter followed while Brisken fell to his knees and wailed in pain.
Vallah screamed from the movement: "What's wrong!?" The pain stopped.
"Nothing... It was nothing... Really." said Brisken with a sick voice.
"Hmm... You sure, Brisken?" asked Vallah carefully.
"Sure." replied Brisken. The nightfall came and five deer went to sleep. But Brisken didn't get sleep. He was in pains the wolf spirit made. All he could hear was KILL THEM.


The next morning the five deer woke up. They were rested and happy, except Brisken.
"Brisken, are you sick, you look very tired?" asked Vallah worringly.
"N-no. It's alright, really." Brisken replied with an absent-minded look. It was a sunny and warm morning. These deer we know decided to look around for the jawbone and left after eating grass and mushrooms and drinking from a water stream Ehron led them. When Ehron saw Teradeer drinking weirdily, he could not help but laugh. Teradeer got angrier on the old jesting deer and chased him some time. Soon, it calmed down and they went on.
About two hours they went through a thick forest. Things were going calmly, except for Brisken, who stayed backwards his friends and suffered the pain, caused by the spirit. He tried to hide it and not make noises. Others were too busy talking, but Teradeer noticed something was going on with Brisken. Tera looked at him, but decided not to say anything yet.
Soon, our five deer reached near a great mountain wall. Ehron watched it and giggled: "Tehe, adventures right past here! Betcha jawbones could be found in caves, that for sure! Especially near mountains! We gotta pass it, whether the jaw's there or not. This forest is way too dangerous, but I know past the mountains all is quieter. Just we gotta watch out for mountain lions there..."
"M-mountain lions? Creepy!" said Razal, frightened.
"Mehh, these good ol' buddies will not get us if we climb and flee downwards. They're agile, o yes, so better not fight them. But we gotta move on... Isn't that right, leader Tera?" said Ehron with a little seriouser voice. Teradeer was mad at Ehron talking about it's jawbone again. And joking about it. Still, Teradeer nodded (With a frown on it's face.).
Ehron said then: "Let'sago!"
And they entered the mountains carefully, hoping that mountain lions won't attack them.

After an hour, quietly climbing the mountain awarely, a strange hard stepping sound was to be heard. All of the deer watched the way the sound came from. Then, behind a mountainside, a brown bear stepped out. The deer got frightened (Except Ehron who taunted the bear at him and then ran.) and they ran desperately on a pathway. A long chase followed after then. The bear was surprisingly fast and agile. It almost bited Tera's leg off, but Teradeer used it's back legs' kick so the bear got a nice bump on it's head. Still, the bear got only angrier and faster. Then, after some time, the steep pathway under the bear's heavy weight broke and the bear fell down from a high mountainside. Luckily, those deer weren't heavy and so they continued on, relieved they had not been eaten. They had continued on until they reached to another mountain, but the nightfall came soon and the five deer ate a bit grass around and had to spend the night in a cave. And there were no predators inside the small cave.

The next day again, they continued their way. All deer (Except poor Tera.) talked random things and weren't quiet, as they gained courage climbing and going on on mountainsides already. They had reached a meadow in a broken mountain peak. There were lush grass growing here. They thought to eat, but then saw three female mountain lions sneaking upon them and growling softly.
Ehron was the first to scream: "RUN FROM THOSE ASSASIN CATS!!!!!"
Others didn't wish to stay as well and remembered they had to run downwards the mountain to save themselves. The lions followed them, but they didn't lose control over their feet and didn't fall down, as Ehron hoped. They stubbornly chased those deer on. They had reached a dead end in a cave, soon, because following a path. There were mountainwalls surrounding them all and all of the deer thought they are eaten now.
But Ehron didn't surrender and said: "Ye go on, young uns, me will take care of those catties, tehe, run now, youngs..." After saying it, Ehron taunted them with a strange moo and jumped over the lions, attracting them to chase Ehron. They soon went farther away and the remaining 'young uns' escaped as well. They were sad (Except Brisken's wolf spirit who kept repeating to Brisken: "One evil deer down!"), as sure Ehron was dead by the claws and jaws of the mountain lions. They soon reached the other side of the mountains.
"Too bad Ehron died... He wasn't bad, at all. He was brave. And heroic to save us... And sacrifice himself..." said Vallah with a shaking voice. Razal looked at her like she was going to cry soon. Teradeer was sad, as well, as never wished someone to die, although Tera didn't like Ehron very much. Brisken was sad as well, but kept grinning because that wolf spirit made him.
Vallah even slapped him for that, but Brisken protected himself: "I am not laughing about Ehron! I remembered a joke! And I am sad Ehron died... He was heroic..." Vallah didn't answer anything and kept farther from Brisken. Brisken felt bad. He didn't want to be so weird. And he definitely hated the wolf spirit. But Brisken didn't dare to tell others about it.
They went on randomly in this new forest, not knowing really where they're going. Tonight they slept near a cliff on the shores of a sea. Vallah insisted it, as thought it's very beautiful. They all went to sleep after drinking after those thirsty mountain days from a nearby stream and ate the lush grass nearby.

Brisken went out of control this night. The wolf spirit completely gained control over him and Brisken, not excatly knowing what's he's doing, neared Vallah to kill her. Brisken's good side still remained and fought desperately against the murder, but his body was controlled. Brisken raised his antlers to stab Vallah, but then Brisken led out a cry that woke up Vallah and in some ways, others too. Vallah screamed in terror as saw Brisken about to kill her, but Brisken suddenly stopped and the real him dashed towards the cliff and he jumped off of it. It was high, and Brisken died in the waves of the great sea. The thoughts Brisken thought before dying, were: "Enough of this madness. I could not suffer any longer. My soul will be free from this taint!"

All the three deer, witnessing Brisken's death, were shaken. Why was Brisken acting so strange? Why did he want to kill Vallah? Why did he kill himself? Those questions bothered them all night and they didn't dare to sleep anymore. So they stayed up the rest of the night, talked with eachother about those questions and in the morning, they quietly went away. To find the jawbone. Hopelessly.

Teradeer was sad about the jawbone's search. It's thoughts were: I didn't mean to sacrifice so much... Lives... I didn't want this... Why did we went to search our jawbone, after all? This world is so big and great, I think we'll be looking forever... Teradeer was sad and angry about those question it asked itself. Why did this all happen?

When they continued on near a 300 m high hill, these three deer (with sad faces about their companions' deaths) looked around the hill. They saw a strange cave entrance. They decided to enter it, but it was closed. Words were scribbled on the door the cave entrance was closed with:

Enter if you dare...
See if you dare...
The dark cave, so small, so impure, will await a riddle from you...
But first... Take care of my lovely pet over there.

When the three deer completed reading these sentences, a dragon crawled out behind from the hill. Everyone screamed, as a titan-sized dragon was roaring at the three deer. Besides, it was the first time they saw a dragon.
Vallah, Razal and Tera were about to run away, knowing they would be rather toasted, the cave door opened. Three terrified friends ran into it. The door closed. And the dragon didn't do anything, wasn't even trying to tear up the hill or rip off the door. They heard the titan dragon flied away.
"Th-th-that was close! Sheesh!" said Vallah with a very quiet and afraid voice, as thinking the dragon might come.. "Yeah! A little more and we could've becomed toasted deer!" said Razal with a frightened voice. Teradeer just nodded with a very frightened and pale face. When they calmed down, they saw they were in some kind of catacombs. A lot of bones lied around. They moved on carefully, but shortly after they reached a throne where a very strange creature was sitting. A half-human and a half-goat. It had a goat head, male human upper body and goat legs. It was black all over and it had yellow eyes.
And it had a goat voice: "Heheheee... Can I help you?" The three deer looked at it as a world wonder. And they stayed put.
"Well, I didn't steal jawbones from all of you, now did I?" said the goat-human with a deriding voice. But our deer friends got all they needed to know from the hint. The goat-human stole the jawbone! Vallah didn't hesitate and said quickly and angrily: "Give the jawbone back!"
"Ehh, I would, but I like it and would like to keep it. Well, but if you desire the jawbone so much, answer me the riddle. It's easy, so listen up: This is something bottom from your body, but they are not legs...?" said the goat-human with a 'king-ish' face. Teradeer knew the answer right away: It's a jawbone!!!, but it couldn't talk, so the answer was up to Vallah and Razal.
Vallah asked, just in case, "How many times we get to guess?"
"As many as you want, just you can guess ONLY while you're in here." said the goat-human with a small, quiet laugh. It was sure full of itself. Vallah and Razal started to guess all sorts of things: Hooves, tails, sides, even the ground and so on, but the answer was no, no, no. Teradeer went crazy when trying to show the answer's a jawbone. Vallah and Razal almost lost hope, but Teradeer screamed and showed it's empty place where the jawbone should be.
"Aahh!" Vallah gasped. "It's a jawbone!"
Suddenly, the goat-human led out a furious scream: "They did it, damnit! One like Teradeer could get too familiar with the jawbone, agh! Take your stupid jawbone!!!" Teradeer happily claimed it and put it back. "Yay! I can talk after long days I've been mute! Despite the problems, we have accomplished what we needed!" Teradeer's voice was nice, not like when it tried to do sounds when it didn't have the jawbone. Vallah was happy as well, but Razal fell into a thinking. "You, goat-thingy... Why did you steal Tera's jawbone, after all?" Razal asked.
"I was bored and wanted to add something to my bone collection," he pointed to a table full of different bones. "And I thought Teradeer's jawbone a good addition to my collection. But you keep it, after all... Hrmph. I was the deer who helped you out of The Forest, as well... I wanted to play a fair game, he-heh."
"But you killed two lives with your 'game'!" bursted Teradeer angrily.
"Yea, but these are the rules. I don't want to pull up hell anymore on you, so you can go home." after saying these words, the goat-human raised it's hands, said some words and the three deer disappeared.

Three deer appeared near a pond where they came from from The Endless Forest.
"So, our adventure is..." said Vallah, but stopped and then pointed at...

...Ehron! He was alive!!!
Every deer was happy to see eachother again and Vallah asked: "How did you survive!?"
"Mehh, it was easy to get away from the kittypets. Heheh, they fell off the mountain after I tricked them. I had to run a lot, on the chase and on the hurry to get here and see you..." said Ehron, but Vallah interrupted: "How did you know we'll be here!?"
"Aha! It's good to know friends around, a deer friend told me a moss trickster is after them. Surely they will be teleported back where they came from... And I knew you're from The Endless Forest, so I decided to go back to the portal and wait for you... Is that enough explanation?"
"Of course!" replied Vallah.
But Tera asked then: "What's a 'moss trickster', excatly?"
"It's a half-human, half-goat creature who steals something precious to someone and those people, whom got the thing stolen, will go after looking it. But whatever the goat steals and asks you a riddle, the answer is whatever the trickster stole. The trickster is surely a troublesome creature, can shapeshift, plays pranks to everyone and steals very precious things. He will put it back if those people, who got the thing stolen, won't go looking after it. Tricksters like it to be called 'The Game'. But the trickster isn't so hell raiser all the time. At some occasions, it can be useful, like teleporting you back where you came from. And sorry, Teradeer, that I joked on you, I knew you didn't like jesting on your jawbone. Just..." "Yeah, we got it, and no problem. Now, we gotta head back to The Forest, I miss it. Will you come with us...?" interrupted Teradeer Ehron's talk.
"Maybe some other time, youngs, I've still got undone business... Uhh, by the way, where's the red stag?" said Ehron.
"...Dead..." said Vallah slowly and with a sad voice.
"Ohh... Sorry about that. Well, on your way then, and don't be too sad, real adventures need sacrifices sometimes..." said Ehron sympathetically. The three young deer nodded to Ehron and went towards the portal crystal.
Ehron waved and said: "I'll come and visit ya soon!"

Our three deer friends went back to The Endless Forest, back to the safe home. So some advice to you, all my fellow deer, never wish to leave The Endless Forest. Because it's a blessed place with no predators to be found.

(AAAHH!!! DID I REALLY WRITE SO LONG!? Anyways, I worked a long time on it, and it's another adventure story. Hope you like it, folks!)
DEERTH's picture

I had to bump it...

I had to bump it...
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

quadraptor's picture

That was really cool, I liked

That was really cool, I liked the jokes and the way Teradeer's jawbone was sometimes there and sometimes not. And the action of the story was very nice, at times it sounded like there was rhythm in the words that made it flow in a cool way. Well done, great work!
DEERTH's picture

Thank you thank you thank

Thank you thank you thank you! It means a lotta to me <3 . Many people have been fond of my stories, because I like making adventure stories. And my teachers love 'em. I gotta get my butt over to look other works as well.

And also, I saw I have the only non-mature content, lol. Well, different than others did. But to Terabetha (Whenever you read it...), just wanted to tell that I wrote not only how Teradeer lost the jawbone, but how did it get it back, as you could read. That was my idea, mostly. Because a moss trickster stealing the jawbone for nothing could be too boring Laughing out loud .

(Agh, I hate bumping sometimes like this...)
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin

HOLY, you weren’t kidding

HOLY, you weren’t kidding when you said you were writing a long entry! I’m honored by the amount of effort and time you obviously put into this entry. I think the idea of Teradeer losing the jawbone, as a habitual thing is adorable. The scene with the riddling goat-man was hilarious and really made me smile, poor Teradeer not being able to talk. Thank you so much for entering my contest, I had a lot of fun with your entry!

DEERTH's picture

Hehe, thank you instead for

Hehe, thank you instead for doing this wonderful contest. Smiling

I really enjoyed writing!
Call me Deery. Smiling
Dragon Scroll.
Avvie by me, siggy by Saosin